White House

South Carolina

Vice President Pence Tours Opportunity Zone in Columbia, SC

On Thursday, Feb. 21, Vice President Mike Pence toured an opportunity zone in Columbia, South Carolina with Senator Tim Scott (R-SC). Vice President Pence delivered remarks at the Meeting Place Church which oversees a 23-acre, 215,000 square foot ministry complex which includes a full-service banquet and conference center, a renal care facility, professional counseling services, […]


FY 2019 & 2020 Federal Budget Update

Last week Congress and the President averted another shutdown by passing funding for the remainder of FY 2019, which runs through Sept. 30, 2019. Overall, the bill provides HUD programs with more than $12 billion above the President’s request and provides $1.5 billion in new resources in FY 2019.


FHFA Acting Director Announces Plans to Overhaul Housing Finance System

Joseph Otting, acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), told employees that the administration would not wait on Congress to overhaul the nation’s housing finance system. According to remarks obtained by POLITICO at a Jan. 17 FHFA staff meeting Otting said, in the next two to four weeks you’re going to be able […]


Government reopens, funded through Feb. 15

H.J. Res 28 was passed and signed into law on Friday, Jan. 25, ending the 35-day partial government shutdown. With funding secured through Feb. 15, lawmakers in the House and Senate have agreed to go to conference to negotiate a Department of Homeland Security funding bill. Funding for the rest of the government will likely […]


CHCDF Sign-on Letter Urges President and Congress to End the Shutdown

The Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) is circulating a sign-on letter calling on Congress and President Trump to end the government shutdown and ensure affordable housing and community development programs receive robust funding. NH&RA signed the letter and urges our members to do so as well.


Members of Congress Send Letter to President Regarding the Shutdowns Impact on Federal Housing Assistance

34 U.S. Senators and 138 U.S. Representatives signed onto a Jan. 17 letter to President Trump, raising concerns about the impact of the shutdown on the people who rely on federal housing assistance. The letter urges the President to “end this shutdown and provide immediate relief to Americans being impacted by this funding crisis.”

Federal Housing Finance Agency

Otting named interim FHFA director

President Trump has named Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting as acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) beginning Jan. 6, after Director Mel Watt’s term ends.


New White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council

President Trump signed an executive order creating the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council. The council, led by HUD Secretary Carson, spans 13 federal agencies with the intent of prioritizing opportunity zones in a variety of federal efforts, including grant funding, loan guarantees, infrastructure spending and crime prevention.

Federal Housing Finance Agency

President Trump Announces Nomination of Mark Calabria as FHFA Director

The White House announced its intent to nominate Mark Calabria to take over as director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) following the departure of current FHFA director Mel Watt on Jan. 4, 2019.


White House Proposal Would Move Rural Housing Programs to HUD, Transfer CDBG to Dept. of Commerce

The proposal would reorganize several aspects of the Federal Government, with affordable housing and GSE reform in the mix.


House Delays Action on White House Rescissions Affecting Prior HUD and RD Appropriations

The House has put off a vote on President Trump’s proposed rescission request, which recently passed legal muster under a Government Accountability Office study (only $134 million, all from the Transportation Department, was decided as improper to impound of the total $15.2 billion). House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) stated the reason is simply an […]

QAP New York

New York Housing Conference Reports on State Impact of President Trump’s Budget Request

The New York Housing Conference has provided the below state impact analysis regarding President Trump’s Budget Request: President Trump’s FY 2019 Budget cuts HUD funding by $8.8 billion or 18.3% compared to enacted FY 2017 funding. This proposal represents a major shift in the federal government’s role in subsidized housing. Public Housing Capital, CDBG and […]

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