
QAP Virginia

Virginia Housing’s Rental Housing Development Loan Program Update

Virginia Housing will host a WebEx session on Friday, April 10, 2020, at 10:00 am ET to discuss our Multifamily Forbearance Plans in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

QAP Virginia

Virginia Nine Percent Reservation Application Now Avaialble

All 2020 competitive nine percent reservation applications are now available, all accompanying market studies for applications are available here. Please note the competitive nine round continues on track with original timelines with staff currently reviewing (remotely) all mandatory items.

QAP Virginia

DMV Jurisdictions Issue Stay-at-Home Orders, Foreclosure and Eviction Moratoriums

The District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia (DMV) have all extended their shelter in place orders and issued moratoriums on foreclosures and evictions.

QAP Virginia

Virginia Housing Development Authority: Program Updates

Virginia Housing will be holding a WebEx session on Friday, April 3, 2020, at 9:00 am EST to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on our rental housing programs and portfolio and response to those impacts.

QAP Virginia

Virginia COVID-19 Compliance & Asset Management Monitoring Guidance

Virginia Housing Department Authority (VHDA) remains open for business but working remotely.

QAP Virginia

Virginia Increases Anticipated 2020 Credit Amount

The presentation at the Virginia Housing Development Authority’s (VHDA) 2020 LIHTC workshops in January indicated an anticipated nine percent available credit amount of $15,751,701. Due to multiple deals returning allocated credits, the revised anticipated credit amount for the 2020 competitive round is $16,854,854.

QAP Virginia

Delay in Virginia’s Reach Lending Policy Effective Date

On August 26, 2019, the Virginia Housing Development Agency (VHDA) announced new policies regarding use of REACH Virginia funds, which was to become effective immediately for tax-exempt bond loans, as well as any taxable loan associated with nine percent LIHTC deals applied for in the 2020 allocation round. In response to public comments VHDA will delay implementation of any change in such policy to a date to be determined, but not earlier than June 30, 2020.

QAP Virginia

VHDA Utility Allowance Options and Procedures Change Effective March 1, 2020

After careful consideration of all utility allowance options, the Virginia Housing Development Agency (VHDA) has elected to amend the options available for project utility allowances. VHDA review and approval is required before implementing alternative utility allowances for non-RHS (RD), and HUD Assisted Buildings. The following alternative utility allowance methods are approved by VHDA: Local Utility Company Estimate, Energy Consumption Model or HUD Utility Schedule Model.


Virginia Governor Proposes $113 Million for Affordable Housing in 2020-2022 Budget

Governor Ralph Northam (D-VA) announced his proposed budget will include $92 million in new funding to address housing affordability, eviction rates and supportive housing throughout the Commonwealth. The Governor’s proposed budget invests $63 million in the Virginia Housing Trust Fund (VHTF), bringing the total amount to $84 million over three years.

QAP Virginia

Virginia Seeks Input on Public Housing Transformation Updates

The Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) identified public housing transformation as one of the its highest priorities and is considering the following options:

QAP Virginia

Virginia Seeks Input on 2020 LIHTC Round

The Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) will hold three LIHTC workshops in the new year. The workshops will review upcoming programmatic changes for 2020 tax credit applicants and provide an opportunity for stakeholder input and suggested potential 2021 QAP changes. January 7 from 9:30 am-12:30 pm in Reston, VA January 8 from 9:30 am-12:30 pm […]

QAP Virginia

Virginia Announces Tax-Exempt Financing 2020 Application Dates

The Virginia Housing Development Agency (CHDA) established a schedule of application deadlines for five potential tax-exempt rental housing bond issues for the 2020 calendar year: November 1, 2019; January 2, 2020; March 2, 2020; June 1, 2020 and August 3, 2020.

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