The Tennessee Housing Development Agency has recently named Ed Yandell interim head of THDA’s Multifamily division.
A recent memo from the agency states that a public housing authority can include non-RAD units in an application for a RAD set aside. A recent memo from the agency states that a public housing authority can include non-RAD units in an application for a RAD set aside. THDA does not specify how many RAD units an application must contain in order to qualify for the set aside. However, THDA is wary of PHA’s and their partners “taking advantage of the set aside by including too few RAD units.”
Tennessee Housing Development Agency posted the 2016 LIHTC 9% Phase 2 paper application.
The Internal Revenue Service divided $2.59 million in unused Low Income Housing Tax Credits from calendar year 2015 among 30 states.
THDA posted the most recent report of Multifamily Tax Exempt Bond Activity, which reveals a significant expansion of the program.
The Tennessee Housing Development Agency released the 2016 Draft LIHTC Allocation Plan and 2016 Draft LIHTC Qualified Allocation Plan Part XIII: Program Compliance. A public hearing regarding the Draft 2016 QAP will be held on Wednesday,September 2, 2015. Additional information about the meeting may be found at here.
With a severe shortage of affordable rental housing in Tennessee, THDA is issuing a new study on the state’s largest, most effective solution. The report takes an in-depth look at the 28-year history of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) in Tennessee, as well as areas of greatest opportunity in the near future. The […]
On September 29, California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed A.B. 1399, a bill to create a state new markets tax credit (NMTC), and A.B. 1999, to create a state historic rehabilitation tax credit (HTC).
THDA is accepting comments on the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) for the four Programs covered under HUD’s Consolidated Planning (CDBG, HOME, ESG, and HOPWA).
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published that $2.59 million of unused LIHTCs carryovers for calendar year 2014 will be allocated to 35 qualified states and Puerto Rico.
THDA released the 2015 Draft Tennessee QAP. Public comments are due
THDA released the 2015 Draft Tennessee QAP. Written comments for the 2014 Draft Tennessee QAP will be accepted until July 14. Please submit comments by email to Michael Blade, Director and Assistant Legal Counsel for Multifamily Development, at