Tax Exempt Bonds


Leaders of Affordable Housing Convene at NH&RA Annual Meeting

Representatives from more than 100 of the nation’s top affordable housing organizations gathered at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, FL, last week for the 2015 NH&RA Annual Meeting. The event’s panel sessions created dialogues on what’s challenging – and exciting – affordable housing developers, illuminated the products and people who will shape the tax credit transactions in upcoming year, offered options to properties approaching year 15, and surveyed key changes to tax credit programs and legislation.


NH&RA Member Firm Celebrates Grand Opening of California Property

NH&RA member firm California Commercial Investment Group, Inc. (CCI), a California-based national affordable housing preservation and development firm, recently celebrated the Grand Opening of Fickett Towers Senior Apartments in Van Nuys, CA


State Housing News for the Week of October 20

Compilation of State Housing Finance Agency from across the nation for the week of October 20.


Walker & Dunlop Closes First Affordable Housing Loan Under New Freddie Mac Program

Freddie Mac’s new Direct Purchase of Tax-Exempt Loans initiative, the goal of which is to keep rental housing affordable for lower-income families and lower costs involved with financing for tax exempt multifamily properties, has closed its first loan.


IRS Revises Procedures for Providing Temporary Relief for Victims of Major Disasters

IRS recently released Revenue Procedure 2014-49 to make revisions to Revenue Procedure 2007-54 which established temporary relief from certain requirements of Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code for owners and agencies located in areas affected by major disasters.


Spring NCHMA Meeting Conference Materials

All conference materials, PowerPoint presentations, relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. from the 2014 Spring NCHMA Meeting are available below under the relevant session titles. Click below to learn more about the topics that were covered at the meeting! Conference Recordings of each session will be available in NH&RA’s Online Store following the conference. NCHMA Resource: […]

NH&RA News

Lancaster Pollard White Paper Preview: Financing Options for Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing

Click Here to Download the Full White Paper There is a tremendous shortage of affordable multifamily rental housing in America today.


2014 Spring Developers Forum Conference Materials

All conference materials, PowerPoint presentations, relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. from the 2014 Spring Developers Forum are available below under the relevant session titles.


State News for the Week of May 27, 2014

QAP Deadlines


2014 Spring Developers Forum Conference Materials

All conference materials, PowerPoint presentations, relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. from the 2014 Spring Developers Forum are available below under the relevant session titles.


State News Week of May 5, 2014

QAP Deadlines

Minnesota: Minnesota Housing announced the availability of an estimated $70 million in funding through the 2014 consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) and $12.5 million in 2015 Housing Tax Credits (Round 1).

NH&RA News

Freddie Mac to Purchase and Securitize Tax-Exempt Multifamily Housing Loans

Freddie Mac recently announced a new initiative aimed at broadening the availability of financing for affordable rental properties financed with tax-exempt bonds, in order to keep rental housing affordable for low-income families. The Direct Purchase of Tax-Exempt Loans “program” will increase the liquidity needed for more affordable housing while creating investment opportunities for investors.

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