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Stimulus Compromise Announced; LIHTC Exchange Proposal & Gap Financing Part of Package

At press time the Economic Recovery Act was still in conference committee and specific text was not available; however, Congressional leadership has indicated that House a compromise has been agreed upon that will cost about $789 billion. Reports of housing provisions include…


Stimulus Bill: Summary of Appropriations Provisions; Several Housing & HUD Related Provisions

The conference committee has released a summary of appropriations provisions in HR 1: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The measure provides $311 billion in appropriations. Highlights include:


Senate Passes Stimulus Measure; Side-By-Side Comparison of Tax and Housing Provisions

The United State Senate has approved HR1: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on a vote of 61-37. The Congressional Budget Office reports that the current version of the measure would cost $838 billion over ten years. Only three Republicans voted in favor of the measure. The package now heads to a House-Senate conference to resolve differences between the two versions. A compromise measure is expected towards the end of the week. A summary of the key housing and tax credit related provisions include…


Congressman Frank Lays Out Housing Financial Services Committee Agenda

House Financial Services Committee Chair Barney Frank (D-Mass.) laid out the committee’s policy priorities for 2009 in a wide ranging press conference today, February 3. The agenda includes a number of affordable housing related items.


New Markets Tax Credits Included In Stimulus Compromise

NH&RA New Markets Tax Credit Council is pleased to report that our sources indicate that that House & Senate Conferees have agreed to New Markets Tax Credit provisions from the Senate version of HR1: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.


Senate Stimulus Compromise Includes LIHTC, NMTC, CEFAH and Other Housing Provisions; Passes Key Procedural Vote

Over the weekend Senate Democrats and several moderate Republicans negotiated a compromise version of HR1: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that appears to be poised to pass the United States Senate on Tuesday. A key procedural vote to end debate on the measure passed the Senate on a 61-36 vote Monday evening (February 9).


Senate Passes Gap Financing Amendment; Several Amendments Still Pending

The U.S. Senate voted to adopt on SA 161 on February 4. Offered by Senator Kit Bond (R-MO) this amendment to the HR1: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 would provide $2,000,000,000 in gap funding for LIHTC projects to be available through September 30, 2011. There are several amendments still waiting to be considered that could impact the LIHTC Program.


Senate Finance Committee Passes Amended Stimulus Bill; LIHTC Floor Amendment Under Discussion

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee on January 27 by 14-9 approved the tax component of the economic stimulus bill, after adopting a number of amendments to the original “Chairman’s mark.” The approved package proposes approximately $522 billion in tax cuts and tax incentives including many intended to save or create jobs and bolster the national economy.


Confirmation Hearing Held for HUD Nominee

The U.S. Senate Banking Committee held a confirmation hearing for Shaun Donovan, President-elect Barack Obama’s choice for Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

NH&RA News

Senate Finance Committee Draft Economic Stimulus Bill Contains Tax Credit Provisions

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee on January 23 released a draft of its own version of the tax component of the economic stimulus bill (the “Chairman’s Mark”) that the committee is scheduled to mark up on January 27. The House Appropriations and Ways and Means Committees have already marked up and approved the spending and tax portions of the House version of the stimulus bill (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009). The full House could vote on the package next week.


House Appropriations Committee Amends, Adopts Economic Recovery Package

After adopting several amendments, the House Appropriations Committee approved HR 352 on a vote of 35-22. The measure is scheduled to be marked-up by two additional committees before being voted on by the full House of Representatives.


House Releases Text For Economic Recovery Bill, Includes Many Items Advocated by NH&RA & CEFAH

The US House of Representatives has released the text for its economic recovery bill. The measure has not yet been assigned a bill number. The measure contains many items advocated for by NH&RA and our Council for Energy Friendly Affordable Housing.

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