Senior Housing

NH&RA News

Urban Institute Releases Report on Housing Trends for Certain Demographics

The Urban Institute recently published a paper entitled “Demographic Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Housing Markets” that explores the key trends and challenges within the housing market for seniors and echo boomers, or young adults.


HUD Seeks Comments on Proposed Rule Related to Sections 202 and 811 Programs

HUD recently published a proposed rule which would amend the agency’s regulations governing the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program and the Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program.


HUD Webcasts to Review NOFAs for Grants to Improve Elderly Housing

HUD will host two webcasts on Tuesday, March 27 to go over programs to assist with elderly housing.


House Financial Services Committee Holds Markup on FY13 Budget Document; Republicans Express Negative Views About HUD and Many Housing Programs

On March 6, 2012, the House Financial Services Committee held a markup on its Views and Estimates of President Obama’s fiscal year 2013 budget.


Senate Appropriations Committee Passes HUD Appropriations Bill; Major Cuts Proposed

The US Senate Transportation-HUD Appropriations The US Senate Transportation-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee marked up and reported its FY 2012 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill on September 21. A summary released by the Committee reports the following funding decisions…


HUD Releases Best Practices Study for Salinas, CA

HUD’s Office of Policy Development & Research has released a new Best Practices case study for a senior apartments project in Salinas, CA.


House Appropriations Committee Releases HUD Funding Draft; Major Cuts Proposed

The House of Representatives Appropriations Transportation – Housing & Urban Development Subcommittee has released a draft funding bill for FY-2012. It is scheduled to be marked up by the committee today, Thursday September 8. The measure calls for $55.15 billion in discretionary spending across the two agencies, $19.8 billion less than President Obama’s request and $217 million below current spending. The bill would provide $16.7 billion to the Transportation Department, a $3 billion increase over current spending, and $38.1 billion for the Housing and Urban Development Department, a $3 billion cut.


HUD Issues Updated Guidance on Section 202/811 Programs

HUD has released updated processing guidance for the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities programs.


HUD Publishes Report on Energy Efficiency for Section 202 & 811 Programs

To assist sponsors and owners of Section 202 and Section 811 projects in reducing operating costs, HUD’s Office of Policy Development & Research has published Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Green Building Design in Section 202 and Section 811 Programs.


Spring Affordable Housing Policy & Underwriting Forum Slides Now Available

NH&RA is pleased to make available the slides presented at the recent 2011 NCAHMA Spring Affordable Housing Policy & Underwriting Forum, April 27-28 in Washington, DC. Slides will be available to the public for a limited time only, and then only available to NH&RA members.


HUD Releases Guidance on Green Building for 202, 811 Properties

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Policy Development & Research recently released a new study entitled, “Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Green Building Design in Section 202 and Section 811 Programs.”


FY-2012 HUD Budget Highlights

Today the White House released its FY-2011 Budget Proposal.

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