Now, if a closing package is not received within two months of the date of HUD executing the RCC, the transaction will be placed in “Delayed Submission” status.
The Office of Multifamily Housing’s Recapitalization division invites you to join us for a RAD conference on May 17-18. While the conference is open to all, the content will be particularly geared towards preparing PHAs who are new participants in RAD to execute on well-planned and efficient conversions that best address local needs and priorities. […]
Several new resources on the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) for Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) owners are posted to the HUD Exchange.
GAO makes five recommendations in the report, all of which HUD agreed with. The recommendations all relate to either improving leveraging metrics, monitoring enforcement of resident safeguards, and RAD compliance monitoring.
Owners will be able to sign up for individual 30-minute sessions with HUD staff during designated times each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 – 4:00 PM EST.
The January 2018 edition of RADTalk, HUD’s RAD Newsletter, is celebrating $5 billion of construction activity for 2017. Furthermore, the recent issues also takes a deep dive into RAD Mod Rehab transactions.
As previously announced, beginning February 1, 2018, Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and their development partners will be able to enter Part 50 Environmental Reviews directly into HUD’s on-line environmental system, known as HEROS. HUD will be hosting a HEROS training on February 1, 2018, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm EST to help PHAs and their […]
This webinar will introduce owners, Continuums of Care, and Public Housing Agencies who are interested in converting their Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) and Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) contracts under the RAD to the basic eligibility requirements, application process, and benefits of RAD conversion.
There is still time to press the case for extending RAD’s authority in the final form of the FY 2018 appropriations act.
HUD has published PBV contract documents incorporating the changes made by the RAD rider directly into the standard PBV HAP contract.
HUD will host a live Q&A webinar on Thursday, November 9 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. EST to provide a brief overview and discussion of the Completion Certification and the RAD Minority Concentration Analysis Tool.
In an op-ed in The Hill, Mark Dellontem, president and CEO of Love Funding, highlights the success of the federal Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program in utilizing targeted taxpayer dollars to stimulate private capital for renovations and produce wide-ranging benefits. The RAD program, which is a federal program that converts public housing authorities’ (PHAs) existing […]