Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)


HUD Highlights Congressional Changes to RAD Statute, Implementation Guidance Forthcoming

HUD’s Office of Housing detailed the recent changes to the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) statute included in the FY 2024 Appropriations bill.

General News

RAD Collaborative Release Update/Special Edition Report 

The RAD Collaborative recently released a special report that highlights some outcomes for properties and residents under the RAD program.


HUD Updates Workbook to Determine Eligibility for RAD/Section 18 Construction Blend, OZ Rent Boost

HUD updated a workbook that allows public housing authorities (PHAs) to assess the eligibility of a proposed rehabilitation of a property for a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)/Section 18 construction blend or an opportunity zones (OZ) rent boost.


HUD Seeks Feedback on Potential Changes to How Section 811, 202 Properties Convert Under RAD

HUD is seeking feedback on potential changes to the current notice that guides how properties assisted under the Section 811 assisted housing program for persons with disabilities can be converted through the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program.


HUD Releases Guide on Increasing Supply of New Affordable Housing

A new guide from HUD, Increasing the Supply of New Affordable Housing: Quick Guide to Using HUD’s Community Planning and Development (CPD) Programs, details funding sources available for affordable housing and provides case studies.


RAD Achieves $15 Billion in Construction Investment Milestone

HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs announced that construction investment for affordable housing preservation through the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program has surpassed $15 billion since the program’s inception in 2013.


RAD End of Year Closing Deadlines RAD End of Year Closing Deadlines

HUD’s Office of Recapitalization recently released timelines for year-end closings of Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) transactions.

General News

RAD Collaborative Hosts Section 18 Blends Webinar – March 3

On March 3 at 2 p.m. ET the RAD Collaborative will host a virtual roundtable with Tom Davis and other Recap Office staff, joined by public housing practitioners who have used RAD-Section 18 Blends options to meet a range of portfolio capital needs. 


HUD Expands RAD Data Dashboard

HUD released an expanded Rental Assistance Demonstration data dashboard on the RAD Resource Desk.

NH&RA News

RAD and Its Current and Projected Consumption of LIHTCs

In a new CityScape article, Alex Schwartz of the New School and Kirk McClure of the University of Kansas explore how the RAD program can “consume” LIHTCs.


New Section Three Rule in RAD Public Housing Conversions Webinar – April 20

HUD will host a webinar at 3:30 pm ET on April 20 to provide an overview of the new Section 3 rule and its implementation in Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) conversions. In the fall, HUD updated the Section Three rule in order to focus on economic opportunity outcomes while simultaneously reducing regulatory burden, improving Section Three’s effectiveness, streamlining some processes that have not yielded significant benefits and encouraging HUD grantees to focus on sustained employment for low- and very low-income individuals.


RAD & Section 18 Blend Webinar to be Held Feb. 17

HUD and Enterprise Community Partners will host a webinar from 1-3 p.m. ET on February 17 on the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) and Section 18 new blend options described in PIH Notice 2021-07. Register here.

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