The Oregon State Legislature recently made an additional $80 million available for LIFT multifamily rental and single family home ownership.
The Oregon State Legislature made significant investments towards affordable housing during this year’s session.
Oregon Housing and Community Services is hosting a 4% LIHTC meeting to review the funding process and expected timelines.
The Veterans General Housing Account Program (GHAP) NOFA is anticipated to be released in June. Oregon Housing and Community Services will be making $8 million available to house low-income veterans through either new construction or acquisition.
Oregon Housing and Community Services will be hosting an open partner call for the Multifamily and Asset Management & Compliance sections of OHCS.
An agenda for the meeting also outlines further details including a plan to fund 7 previously unfunded 2016 9% projects in 2017.
Due to high demand, Oregon Housing and Community Services has awarded all its 2017 AWHTCs.
Last year’s inaugural round totaled almost $3.8M to help build or acquire 160 units. This year’s funds total over $16.2M.
Oregon will forgo issuing a 2017 LIHTC and HOME NOFA, focusing instead on 2016.
Temporary rules for the Local Innovation and Fast Track (LIFT) program expire on March 10, 2017.
The credit can be claimed for up to 50% of costs related to construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of agriculture workforce housing.
The group debrief will be in place of individual debriefs to save time as the next NOFA for 9% LIHTC and HOME funds is anticipated to open in January 2017.