This latest round of 13 awards brings OHCS to a record number of units in the development pipeline – a total of 7,800 affordable homes are in progress across the state.
The Early Issue is being published in advance of the full PDM update which is scheduled for publication in September 2018.
To provide input on the direction of the plan, OHCS has created an online survey. The survey period has been extended until July 13, 2018.
This training will focus on connecting developers, property owners, architects, engineers, and energy consultants, to shift a portion of technical support to the pre-construction timeframe to improve the process for achieving the energy targets necessary to secure OR-MEP incentives.
Stakeholders are invited to share needs and weigh in with suggestions on how these new resources should be prioritized.
Each of these developments is highlighted by robust service partnerships and targeted outreach to work to address disparities and ensure that the future residents have opportunities to achieve self-sufficiency.
Read on for a summary of the FAQ document.
The agency is allowing a window of opportunity for current OHCS Certified CHDOs to request a site review for the 2018 HOME and LIHTC NOFAs.
Two bills aimed at affordable housing passed during Oregon’s short legislative session.
Oregon Housing and Community Services staff traveled around the state to learn how people and communities are being affected by the housing crisis. Come hear what staff learned and how this information will impact the Statewide Housing Plan.
Oregon Housing and Community Services is now offering gap funds to be paired with 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) / Conduit Bond affordable housing development transactions on both new construction and portfolio preservation projects.
The Oregon Multifamily Energy Program application package is also due March 26.