Opportunity Zones


IRS Updates OZ FAQ

The Internal Revenue Service updated its Opportunity Zones (OZ) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to include a new question on the realization of an Internal Revenue Code Section 1231 gain.

Member News

LISC Publishes Opportunity Zone Playbook

Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC) recently published Navigating the Opportunity Zones: Community Partners, the first installment of LISC’s Opportunity Zones Playbook series.Forthcoming playbooks will be targeted to impact investors and impact developers looking to harness the Opportunity Zones incentive and create positive change in America’s urban and rural communities.


HUD Proposes Changes to CDBG, HOME to Incentive Use in Opportunity Zones

Two HUD proposed rules seek to create flexibilities in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships programs to incentivize their use in Opportunity Zones.


HUD Offers Incentives for Investments in Opportunity Zones

HUD’s Housing Notice 2019-07 provides incentives for multi-family property owners to invest in Opportunity Zones across the nation. Applicants to FHA’s Section 221(d)(4), Section 220 and Section 223(f) will be eligible for significantly lower application fees provided the property is located within an Opportunity Zone.


Senators Introduce OZ Reporting Legislation

Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ), Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Tim Scott (R-SC) and Todd Young (R-IN) introduced S. 1344 which would require the Secretary of the Treasury to collect data and issue a report on the Opportunity Zone (OZ) tax incentives.

General News

Katten Muchin Rosenman: Additional Proposed Regulations Issued Regarding Opportunity Zones

On April 17, the IRS and Treasury released the second set of proposed regulations relating to the Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ) program. The Proposed Regulations clarify several important issues within the QOZ program, summarized by Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP below. Please contact one of the members of Katten’s Opportunity Zone Working Group for further information.

Member News

Novogradac & Co: A Deeper Dive into the Second Tranche of Opportunity Zones Regulations: Benefits and Pitfalls

Novogradac and Company released Part II of its analysis of the second tranche of Opportunity Zones regulations. In addition to the issues discussed in Part I, Michael Novogradac covers some of the issues getting the most attention including…

Member News

Applegate & Thorne-Thomsen’s: Opportunity Zone Regulations Part 2: Questions Addressed by the Regulations

This blog from Glenn A. Graff, Dan Klaff, Eric Mittereder and Ben Swartzendruber with Applegate & Thorne-Thomsen highlights some of the questions addressed by the second set of OZ regulations.

Member News

Nixon Peabody: Latest Round of Opportunity Zone Regulations Clarify Some Issues, Leave Others Murky

Forrest David Milder with Nixon Peabody released this alert on the second round of Opportunity Zone Guidance released by the Department of the Treasury.

Member News

Novogradac & Company Publishes Blog Post on Treasury’s OZ Guidance

NH&RA member Michael Novogradac, CPA, discussed the second tranche of opportunity zones (OZ) guidance released by Treasury in a Notes from Novogradac blog post. The post is Part I of a two-part series reviewing the issues addressed in the release, as well as some of the open questions that remain.


White House and HUD Publish Opportunity Zone Implementation Plan

The White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council (Council) published its Implementation Plan, outlining a detailed work plan for how the Council—chaired by HUD Secretary Ben Carson—will accomplish the goals specified in Executive Order 13583 of December 12, 2018.In addition to developing an “OpportunityZones.gov” website, the Council and its Executive Director Scott Turner will be conducting listening tour sessions of rural, urban and suburban Opportunity Zones and other distressed communities throughout the remainder of 2019.


Treasury Requests Information on OZ Data Collection

The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) released a notice and request for information on data collection for Opportunity Zone investments. Qualified Opportunity Funds (QOFs) are required to file a Form 8996 and Treasury anticipates possible revisions to that form that could assist in data collection.  

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