As the Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) prepares to draft the 2022-23 Design and Architectural Standards and the 2022-2023 Multifamily Underwriting Guidelines, OHFA is seeking stakeholder input on these guidelines. OHFA will seek initial stakeholder input through Friday, August 13, and will post the full first draft of these documents at a later date.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency updated its HOME frequently asked questions document to include all Housing Development Assistance Programs (HDAP): Ohio Housing Trust Fund, National Housing Trust Fund and HOME. Questions have been updated regarding rent limits, utility allowances, student rules and more.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) Board of Directors approved an addendum to the 2020-2021 QAP intended to address financing gaps faced by developments due to escalating lumber prices and other increasing material and supply costs. OHFA is setting aside LIHTCs and Housing Development Loan (HDL) funding for developments that were awarded competitive nine percent LIHTCs in 2019 and 2020. Additional funding awards will be made on a first come, first served basis.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency posted a partial draft of its 2022-2023 QAP. Comments can be sent to by July 2.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency is making additional nine percent LIHTCs and Housing Development Loan (HDL) funding available to 2019 and 2020 LIHTC deals struggling with increase construction costs.
The Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio, as well as the Ohio Housing Council are leading a sign-on letter opposing a budget amendment that would require auditors to value LIHTC properties and other properties receiving federal subsidies to be valued as market-rate properties without regard to governmental use restrictions.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) has posted a memo outlining concepts that may appear in the first draft of the 2022-2023 QAP to be published in June. Comments should be sent to by June 2 to allow for consideration in advance of release of the first draft.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency will hold a webinar from 2 to 3 p.m. ET on June 16 on Enterprise’s 2020 Green Communities Criteria.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) is collaborating with CHN Housing Partners to establish and administer a LIHTC Lease Purchase Loan Fund that will provide first mortgage financing to residents of lease purchase homes who are unable to obtain financing through a private lender.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency will host the following upcoming trainings…
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency will hold a hearing on its Housing Needs Assessment, Annual Plan and 2022-2023 QAP from 1 to 3 p.m. ET on May 5. Register here.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency and Midwest Affordable Housing Management Association (MAHMA) will hold a virtual roundtable discussion with other affordable housing industry leaders to discuss hot topics, such as Average Income, HFA inspections, fair-housing and legislation impacts.