OHFA has posted application materials for the 2015 Housing Tax Credit program. OHFA will receive comments through October 31, 2014.
On September 29, California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed A.B. 1399, a bill to create a state new markets tax credit (NMTC), and A.B. 1999, to create a state historic rehabilitation tax credit (HTC).
The OHFA Board approved the 2015 Ohio QAP on September 27. Approximately $27 million in resources will be distributed throughout the state to support the development of affordable rental housing. A training will be held on October 6, 2014. The deadline to submit an application is December 19, 2014.
Freddie Mac’s new Direct Purchase of Tax-Exempt Loans initiative, the goal of which is to keep rental housing affordable for lower-income families and lower costs involved with financing for tax exempt multifamily properties, has closed its first loan.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published that $2.59 million of unused LIHTCs carryovers for calendar year 2014 will be allocated to 35 qualified states and Puerto Rico.
OHFA has released the 2015 Draft Ohio QAP for public review and comments. The annual public hearing for the 2015 QAP will be held on Wednesday, August 20, 2014. Comments may be emailed to 2015QAPMailbox@ohiohome.org.
OHFA has released the 2015 Draft Ohio QAP for public review and comments. The annual public hearing for the 2015 QAP will be held on Wednesday, August 20, 2014. Comments may be emailed to 2015QAPMailbox@ohiohome.org.
State Senator Elder A. Vogel Jr. (R-47th District) and a bipartisan group of Pennsylvania State Senators sponsored a bill to expand the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund, commonly known as the State Housing Trust Fund….
OHFA has released the 2015 Draft Ohio QAP for public review and comments. Comments may be emailed to 2015QAPMailbox@ohiohome.org.
OHFA will host a public forum for the 2015 Draft Ohio QAP on July 8. Feedback provided at the forum will be considered for incorporation in the final draft of the 2015 QAP anticipated in September 2014. Comments may also be emailed to2015QAPMailbox@ohiohome.org.
Ohio Housing Finance Agency Releases the Health Impact Assessment The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) released the Health Impact Assessment, a report that examines the health implications of a proposed government policy to align affordable housing inspections.
QAP and Funding Deadlines