OHFA released the final Frequently Asked Questions document for the 2018 Housing Tax Credit round yesterday.
The revisions to the Underwriting Guide were primarily designed to match programmatic revisions previously publicized in the Qualified Allocation Plan, including changes to the Developer Fee calculation.
Read on for a list of recently provided resources.
Ohio Housing Finance Agency will host the second Bond Gap Financing round with both proposal and final applications due on November 2, 2017.
The approved draft is now available on OHFA’s website, the only forthcoming changes will be stylistic.
OHFA is seeking authority from its Board to allow recipients of the 2017 credit increases to exceed their final equity commitment by 7% in situations where such an increase is necessary for project completion and success.
Registration is now open for the Ohio Housing Conference!
Comments may continue to be submitted to QAP@ohiohome.org through August 25, 2017.
The Ohio Housing Finance Agency’s (OHFA) Compliance Training focuses primarily on the basics of compliance for the Housing Tax Credit program.
The pilot program must include rental assistance, access to maternal and child health care services, social service supports and activities to foster long-term housing stability.
The projects will create 1,698 housing units serving families, seniors and individuals with disabilities.
In this round, OHFA will prioritize projects located in non-Participating Jurisdictions as well as developers that did not receive an award in the June BGF round.