Ohio Housing Finance Agency has scheduled its annual Qualified Allocation Plan Training & Brainstorming Session. This free workshop will be held on November 5th, the day before the Ohio Housing Conference. This is an unique opportunity to strengthen relationships with your peers, hear insider’s tips and tricks for applying to OHFA, and share your policy suggestions […]
September 27, 2018 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM OHFA’s Roger McCauley Board Room 57 East Main Street, Columbus, OH 43215 The purpose of this advisory committee is to provide feedback to OHFA regarding compliance policy and regulation impacting the operation of multifamily projects in Ohio. Agenda: Welcome and Introductions OHFA Updates Overview of Recent Changes […]
Ohio Housing Finance Agency posted an update to the Affordable Housing Funding Application (AHFA). This version includes the 2018 rent limits, incorporates income averaging, and improves usability. The AHFA is primarily for November applicants to the Bond Gap Financing round. This version is not for 2019 Competitive Housing Tax Credit (HTC) applications as next year’s […]
On June 1, POAH acquired 20 properties with over 1,000 affordable apartments in Ohio and Kentucky from The Model Group (TMG), a for-profit development company with deep roots in Cincinnati.
Ohio Housing Finance Agency published the following updates for property owners who are interested in utilizing the Income Averaging (AI) set aside. Final IA Policy. Final IA election requirements are new set forth in the 2019 Technical Amendments to the Qualified Allocation Plan and cover topics like opt-in timing, resyndication implications, design requirements, and compliance […]
OHFA is specifically seeking feedback on the Affordable Assisted Living policy contained in the Underwriting & Implementation Guidelines, including whether to reduce, modify, or eliminate limitations to the Medicaid Waiver component.
OHFA anticipates hosting a second BGF round with final applications due no later than November 2, 2018.
Read on for a summary of proposed major changes to the QAP.
OHFA is also evaluating whether pre-2018 developments will be eligible for this option.
Save the date for this year’s Ohio Housing Conference, Laying the Foundation for a Better Future! This year’s conference will take place from November 6 to November 8, 2018, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
At its May 16, 2018, meeting, the Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) Board announced the recipients of the 2018 Housing Tax Credit (HTC) program awards, used to fund the construction, acquisition and rehabilitation of affordable housing communities throughout Ohio. Over $28 million in 10-year federal housing tax credits were awarded to 37 developments to create […]
Both policy revisions became effective on March 5. Read on for a summary of changes, which include no longer accepting requests for multifamily covenant releases.