New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC)


Wisconsin Governor Names New WHEDA Executive Director

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker recently named the members of his cabinet, including Wyman Wynston as the new Executive Director of WHEDA, the state housing finance agency.


Congress & White House Contemplate Tax Credit Extenders

Both houses of Congress and the White House are reportedly considering varying forms of legislation that could, among other things, extend expiring tax credits provisions.


Bush Cut Compromise Proposal Includes Some Tax Credit Extenders

The White House has announced that the framework agreement announced by President Obama on extending the “2001/2003 Bush Tax Cuts” for an additional two years will also secure a number of expiring business tax credits.


Omnibus Appropriations Bill Could Be Extenders Vehicle

Key Senate and House legislators are reported to be negotiating an omnibus spending measure.


Sen. Baucus Introduces Tax Relief Extenders Legislation

Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) has introduced the Middle Class Tax Cut Act of 2010. The legislation contains extensions of numerous affordable housing, new markets and renewable energy tax credit and bond programs.


Republicans to Take Over House of Reps; Plus Tax Credit Election Highlights

In yet another “wave” election, the Democratic Party has been swept out of the US House of Representatives as Congressional Republicans picked up approximately 60 seats (at time of press some final results are still in questions). The Democratic Party still maintains a majority in the US Senate. NH&RA will be providing additional coverage on the leadership and priorities of the next Congress in the upcoming weeks.


NH&RA Opens Registration for 2011 Annual Meeting

The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association is now accepting registrations for the 2011 Annual Meeting and Pre-Conference Symposium on New Markets Tax Credits, scheduled February 23-26, 2011 in Bonita Springs, Florida.


Senate Schedules Hearing On Tax Reform

United States Senate Committee on Finance has scheduled a hearing on December 2, entitled “Tax Reform: Historical Trends in Income and Revenue.”


PowerPoints from 2010 Fall Developers Forum Now Available!

NH&RA is pleased to offer the PowerPoint slide presentations for sessions exhibited during the 2010 Fall Developers Forum, October 18 & 19 in Boston, Mass.


Senate Finance Chairman Introduces Revised Extenders Bill

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus today introduced a new version of tax extenders legislation (HR 4213). The Job Creation and Tax Cut Act of 2010 includes following provisions from H.R. 4213, the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act (also known as the tax extenders bill), including:


All Eyes on Washington: Passage of Legislation to Extend New Markets Program Is Chief Issue for Industry

Tax Credit Advisor ““ November 2010 ““ For the new markets tax credit (NMTC) industry, all eyes are on Washington, wondering whether or when Congress will enact legislation to reauthorize the program, which lapsed on December 31, 2009.


Ohio Awards First NMTC Allocations

The Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) recently announced that it is making $10 million available to four Ohio entities to spur economic investments through the first round of its Ohio New Markets Tax Credit Program.

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