New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC)

NH&RA News

NMTC Coalition Releases 2013 NMTC Progress Report

The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Coalition recently released its annual 2013 NMTC Progress Report, which examines the NMTC activity and progress for most Community Development Entity (CDE) raising capital and making loans and investments in calendar year 2012.


CDFI Fund Updates NMTC Small Business Guidance

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund has released additional guidance regarding Treasury Decision (TD) 9600 issued by the Internal Revenue Service on September 28, 2012. The TD 9600 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document covers programmatic and reporting changes to the New Markets Tax Credit Program regarding small business investments necessitated by the revised regulations. The guidance addresses the following questions…


U.S. Representatives Introduce Hurricane Sandy Tax Relief Measure, LIHTC, NMTC Provisions Included

A bipartisan coalition of U.S. lawmakers recently introduced the Hurricane Sandy Tax Relief Act of 2013 (H.R.2137) to provide tax relief for victims of Hurricane Sandy in areas designated as federal disaster areas by the president.


Louisiana House Passes NMTC Measure

The Louisiana House of Representatives recently approved H.B. 726 by a vote of 66-33, a measure to create a state New Markets Jobs Tax Credit to provide incentives for private businesses to invest in low-income rural and “emerging urban” communities.


Senate Finance Committee Releases Tax Reform Option Report, LIHTC, NMTC and HTC Options Included

The Senate Finance Committee has released a tax reform option paper about economic and community development provisions. The document is the sixth in a series of papers compiling tax reform options that Finance Committee members may wish to consider as they work towards reforming our nation’s tax system.


Missouri Senate Approves Measure to Extend, Modify State NMTC

The Missouri State Senate recently passed S.B. 112, a measure which would make changes to the State’s new markets tax credit (NMTC) program.


U.S. Reps Urge Support of Previously Introduced Sandy Supplemental Relief Measure

Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) recently announced they are set to introduce the Hurricane Sandy and National Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2012. In addition, the Obama Administration recently sent a $60.4 billion supplemental spending request to Congress that details means for responding to Hurricane Sandy.


NH&RA Updates Advocacy Resources Archive

The NH&RA Advocacy Archive was created to provide a one-stop-shop for NH&RA members who are interested in advocating to elected officials to support key affordable housing and tax credit programs. We have collected a variety of documents, reports, templates and best practices that should be helpful in this effort. Please note this is a work in progress–check back often as we add additional resources.


Conference Materials for NCHMA Multifamily Housing Exchange Now Available

Conference materials are now available for the 2013 NCHMA Multifamily Housing Exchange and NH&RA’s New Markets Tax Credit Symposium, which took place in Washington, DC April 2-4.


ULI Seminar: Understanding and Utilizing NMTCs in Your Development Deal

The Urban Land Institute will hold a seminar entitled “Understanding and Utilizing New Markets Tax Credits in Your Development Deal” on Wednesday, April 17 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm in Washington, DC. NH&RA is a sponsor of the event.


Fiscal Cliff Legislation Extends 9% LIHTC, NMTC and Other Credits

After months of stalemate on December 31 (US Senate) and January 1 (US House of Representatives) respectively, has passed HR 8, The American Taxpayer Relief Act, which addresses the tax provisions of the “fiscal cliff.” The legislation is expected to be signed into law by President Obama imminently. The legislation includes a number of tax extenders including extensions of most of the expiring “Bush-era” income tax rates, a permanent “patch” for the alternative minimum tax, and most notably for NH&RA members extensions of the New Markets Tax Credit and the fixed 9 percent rate for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit through 2013. The measure also postpones sequestration, automatic spending cuts to government spending that was set to occur in January, by two months to allow time for further negotiation.


NH&RA Awards Ten Buildings for Excellence in Historic Rehabilitation

The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association, in association with the National Trust Community Investment Corporation, honored developers, architects and historic preservation professionals that brought new life to ten historic buildings through its awarding of the 2012 J. Timothy Anderson Awards for Excellence in Historic Rehabilitation.

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