National Housing Trust Fund

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Proposes Amendments for NHTF, Public Hearing June 30th

Kentucky Housing Corporation is currently drafting amendments to its 2016 Consolidated Action Plan and 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan to incorporate the National Housing Trust Fund. A public hearing will be held to solicit public input.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Proposes Amendments for NHTF and HOME Program

Amendments have been made to the FY2015-2019 Consolidated Plan as well as the FY2016 Action Plan. The amendments include strategies and information on implementing the NHTF and a public comment period is forthcoming.

QAP Michigan

Michigan Announces Amendments to Incorporate NHTF

Michigan expects an allocation of $3,522,622 from the National Housing Trust Fund for the upcoming year and has drafted an allocation plan and amended its Action Plan to reflect such. The public comment period is currently open.

QAP Wisconsin

Wisconsin Announces Public Comment Period for NHTF Allocation Plan

Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) is in the process of drafting an Allocation Plan for the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF). Comments are currently being accepted.

QAP Alaska

Alaska GOAL Registration Requests Due June 24th; Teleconference Scheduled

In September 2016, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) will announce the FY 2017 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for its Greater Opportunity for Affordable Living (GOAL) Program. For eligibility to apply for GOAL Program funds, all applicants are required to comply with a sequential three (3) step application process. Applicants will NOT be eligible to apply for GOAL funding unless they first meet both deadlines for Steps (1) and (2).

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Solicits Comment on National Housing Trust Fund Allocation

Topics they would appreciate seeing addressed include “how recipients should be selected and what qualifications they should have; preferences based on geographic diversity; and how within the federal guidelines these funds should be used.”


Maryland: National Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan Process Begins

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is holding public hearings regarding the Allocation Plan for the National Housing Trust Fund.


HUD Makes First National Housing Trust Fund Allocations to States

For the first time ever, HUD allocated nearly $174 million through the nation’s Housing Trust Fund. By law, each state is allocated a minimum of $3 million.


HUD Issues Criteria States Must Use to Select HTF Recipients

If the State plans to select applications submitted by eligible recipients, the HTF allocation plan must include the application requirements and the criteria for the selection of applicants to meet the specified required funding priorities.


First-Ever National Housing Trust Fund Allocations Total $174 Million

HUD expects to make individual allocations to States later this spring and anticipates these funds can be drawn upon as early as this summer. The Fund is capitalized through contributions by government sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

QAP Delaware

Delaware Hosts Forum to Discuss NHTF

A public meeting will be held for the purpose of obtaining the views of interested citizens on housing needs and comments on the NHTF. An Allocation Plan for the NHTF will subsequently be developed and a draft released for public comment.

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