HUD published a Federal Register notice adjusting the Annual Indexing of Basic Statutory Mortgage Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs. The percentage change in the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) is 2.3 percent and the limits have an effective date of January 1, 2020.
The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency released updated Multifamily Underwriting and Financing Guidelines and Policy, effective May 30, 2019.
HUD posted new closing checklists for use with the recently revised FHA closing documents. The new checklists include non-substantive changes to the layout, re-ordering of certain items, removal of items that have been added to other form documents, and a new checklist for the “Heavy” 223(f) closings.
HUD’s Housing Notice 2019-07 provides incentives for multi-family property owners to invest in Opportunity Zones across the nation. Applicants to FHA’s Section 221(d)(4), Section 220 and Section 223(f) will be eligible for significantly lower application fees provided the property is located within an Opportunity Zone.
HUD now expects to release the RAD revised notice (RADRev4) with modest changes to the public housing component and thorough instructions for the new RAD-for-PRAC authority in early to mid-June 2019. While waiting for RADRev4 there is plenty PHAs and their partners can do now to take advantage of recent flexibilities with RAD and other HUD preservation-redevelopment tools.
HUD released the 2019 Mortgage Limits for Multifamily Housing Programs. The notice also updates the per unit limit for substantial rehabilitation from $15,000 to $15,933.
A Multifamily in Focus research paper released by Freddie Mac shows that the Opportunity Zones tax incentives will likely lead to a significant influx of capital to multifamily investments in Opportunity Zones. The research paper compares a hypothetical investment under the tax structures offered by both traditional and Opportunity Fund circumstances.
The Deputy Assistant Secretary of HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs issued two memos regarding the resumption of Multifamily production and asset management activities.
The General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing issued a letter that provides information on the status of Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program funding and the Public Housing Operating Fund under the Continuing Resolution that funds the government through Feb. 15.
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is requesting public input on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s (the Enterprises) proposed modifications to their 2018-2020 Underserved Markets Plans (Plans) under the Duty to Serve (DTS) program.
Due to last week’s release of the Developer fee worksheet and its applicability to current open Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA), the California Department of Housing and Community Development is extending the deadlines for National Housing Trust Fund Program (NHTF) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) application deadlines as follows: For NHTF Applicants: New application […]
Ohio Housing Finance Agency published the following updates for property owners who are interested in utilizing the Income Averaging (AI) set aside. Final IA Policy. Final IA election requirements are new set forth in the 2019 Technical Amendments to the Qualified Allocation Plan and cover topics like opt-in timing, resyndication implications, design requirements, and compliance […]
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) issued Administrative Notice 18-02 clarifying developer fee calculations under Section 8312 of the 2017 Uniform Multifamily Regulations (UMR). You can also access HCD’s new 2017 UMR Developer Fee Calculator worksheet and the Supportive Services Cost form.