

Bill Would Extend Increased Historic Credit for Midwestern Disaster Communities

U.S. Representative Bruce Braley (D-IA) last week introduced the Rebuilding Communities Act (H.R. 2901), which would extend a provision enacted in 2008 that increased the historic tax credit to 26 percent and the rehabilitation tax credit to 13 percent in Midwestern communities affected by natural disasters.


HUD Releases Three New Housing Market Reports

HUD’s Economic and Market Analysis Division has prepared three new Comprehensive Housing Market Analyses for the following markets


Senators Introduce LIHTC Legislation for Disaster Areas

On June 15 Senators Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) has introduced legislation to provide relief to states that suffered damage by the series of tornadoes and flooding that have struck the south east.


HUD, Treasury Secretaries Send Letter Supporting GO Zone Deadline Extension

The Secretaries of the U.S. Departments of Treasury and Housing and Urban Development recently co-signed a letter to Senator Mary Landrieu, in response to correspondence the agencies received from Sen. Landrieu in March.


Mississippi Releases 2011 Final QAP

The Mississippi Home Corporation (MHC) has released the final version of its 2011 Housing Tax Credit Program Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP).


Mississippi Releases Final Approved Revisions to 2011 QAP

The Mississippi Home Corporation has published a list of final, approved revisions to the 2011 Qualified Allocation Plan for its low-income housing tax credit program.


States Release QAPs, Materials Governing 2011 LIHTC Program

Several state housing finance agencies have released varying drafts of their 2011 QAPs over the past few weeks, as well as LIHTC program materials, proposed changes and other information.


HUD Releases Market Analysis Reports for Houston, TX and Jackson, MS

HUD’s Economic and Market Analysis Division has published two new Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis Reports for the Houston, Texas and Jackson, Mississippi market areas.


Mississippi Agency Proposes Changes to 2010 QAP

The Mississippi Home Corporation has released its proposed changes to the 2009 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) for its 2010 allocation round.


NH&RA Urges Congress to Extend GO Zone Benefits

NH&RA’s Historic Preservation Development Council is working to extend expiring Tax Incentives for historic rehabilitation projects in the Gulf Opportunity Zone in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. These benefits are currently due to expire at the end of 2009. As a result of our efforts we expect legislation to be introduced shortly that will be co-sponsored by Congressman Artur Davis (D-Ala.) and Congressman Charles Boustany (R-La.).


Mississippi Releases Summary of Proposed Changes to 2010 QAP

The Mississippi Home Corporation (MHC) has released a summary of proposed revisions to its 2010 qualified allocation plan (QAP) for its low-income housing tax credit program.


GAO Recommends Further Guidance on Disaster CDBG Grants

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently conducted a report to study the impact of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) disaster program in Louisiana and Mississippi.

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