
QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Launches 2020 Consolidated RFP

Minnesota Housing and its partners are excited to announce the launch of the 2020 Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP). Our vision is that all Minnesotans live and thrive in a safe, stable home they can afford in a community of their choice.


Minnesota Alters Market Study Guidelines

Market study analysts may encounter hindrances to completing work, particularly related to field work and accessing market information. If circumstances restrict analysts’ ability to complete a market study, Minnesota Housing suggests the following alternatives for information-gathering:

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Suspends Evictions, Writs of Recovery

Minnesota Governor Walz signed Emergency Executive Order 20-14 suspending evictions and writs of recovery for the term of the COVID-19 peacetime emergency. This Executive Order keeps people stably housed and prevents displacement during this health emergency.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Housing Multifamily Portfolio and COVID-19: Additional Guidance from Asset Management for Property Owners and Property Management Staff

In light of COVID-19 developments, guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Governor Walz, many property owners and property management staff are making efforts to practice social distancing and minimize unnecessary social contact to the greatest extent possible.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Solicits Comments on Environment Reviews for Historic Tax Credit Deals

In its capacity as Responsible Entity for Part 58 Environmental Review responsibility, Minnesota Housing has developed a Programmatic Agreement with the State Historic Preservation Office to exempt certain activities from State Historic Preservation Office review.

QAP Minnesota

Register for February 10 Training and Technical Assistance in Minnesota

Minnesota Housing will hold a housing resources engagement session from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm CT on February 10 at the Arrowwood Lodge at Brainerd Lakes (6967 Lake Forest Road, Baxter). Technical assistance sessions run from 1:00 to 3:00 pm CT.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Hosts Community Meetings

Minnesota Housing will host three community meetings in February to discuss rental resources and policy priorities. Minnesota Housing is seeking input to inform its priorities for distributing multifamily rental dollars and would like to hear how development and preservation resources could be best used to support housing stability in communities.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Seeks Feedback on QAP by February 24, Hosts QAP Sessions

In the coming months, Minnesota Housing will lead and participate in several engagement opportunities that will gather input from a variety of stakeholders including local units of government, community-based organizations, economic development organizations, state agencies, funding and collaborating partners, developers and communities most impacted by housing needs as they develop the 2022 QAP.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Schedules 2020 Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP)/2021 Housing Tax Credits Round 1 Kickoff Event Feb. 13

In preparation for the 2020 RFP/2021 HTC Round 1, Minnesota Housing will host an RFP and Technical Assistance kickoff event on Thursday, February 13, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Minnesota Housing. Our kickoff event will include the following information: RFP Introduction: Overview of the RFP process and timeline; Minnesota Housing’s strategic priorities and […]

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Posts Application for LIHTC Round 2

Minnesota Housing is now accepting applications for Round 2 of the 2020 Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Program. There is approximately $529,618 in tax credits available; $103,540 in the Rural Development/Small Project set-aside (RD set-aside) and $426,078 in the unified pool. The RD set-aside is carried forward to Round 2, and if there are no eligible applications, the tax credits will be available to other projects. Intent to applies are due Friday, January 17, 2020 by 12:00 p.m. and applications are due Friday, January 31, 2020 by 12:00 p.m. 

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Announces $254 Million in Funding

Governor Tim Walz and Minnesota Housing Commissioner Jennifer Leimaile Ho announced $254 million in funding to create and preserve more than 2,665 homes throughout the state, including rental units and single-family homes.

QAP Minnesota

Minneapolis 2040 Plan Gains Final Approval from the City Council

The Minneapolis City Council voted 10-1 to give the final approval to the Minneapolis 2040 plan. This comprehensive plan permits more housing options, such as duplexes and triplexes, in single-family home zones. It also allows for higher density along transit corridors.

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