
QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Posts Application for LIHTC Round 2

Minnesota Housing is now accepting applications for Round 2 of the 2020 Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Program. There is approximately $529,618 in tax credits available; $103,540 in the Rural Development/Small Project set-aside (RD set-aside) and $426,078 in the unified pool. The RD set-aside is carried forward to Round 2, and if there are no eligible applications, the tax credits will be available to other projects. Intent to applies are due Friday, January 17, 2020 by 12:00 p.m. and applications are due Friday, January 31, 2020 by 12:00 p.m. 

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Announces $254 Million in Funding

Governor Tim Walz and Minnesota Housing Commissioner Jennifer Leimaile Ho announced $254 million in funding to create and preserve more than 2,665 homes throughout the state, including rental units and single-family homes.

QAP Minnesota

Minneapolis 2040 Plan Gains Final Approval from the City Council

The Minneapolis City Council voted 10-1 to give the final approval to the Minneapolis 2040 plan. This comprehensive plan permits more housing options, such as duplexes and triplexes, in single-family home zones. It also allows for higher density along transit corridors.

QAP Minnesota

Comments Due October 4 on Minnesota’s 2021 Final QAP

Minnesota Housing is holding a final comment period for the 2021 QAP through October 4 at noon CDT to receive feedback on additional proposed changes generated from public comments received during the initial public comment period from July 25, 2019 through August 26, 2019. Minnesota Housing will hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 3 from 1:30-2:30 pm CDT.

QAP Minnesota

$10 Million Available for Rehabilitation of USDA Rural Development Multifamily Housing Properties in Minnesota

Minnesota Housing announced the availability of $10 million in state appropriations through the Rental Rehabilitation Deferred Loan (RRDL) pilot program for the rehabilitation of buildings that currently have a USDA Rural Development Section 515 mortgage. RRDL funds are available as a zero percent-interest deferred loan. Other loan structures may be considered based on project needs. […]

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Posts 2020-23 Strategic Plan, 2020-21 Affordable Housing Plan; Comments Due Sept. 19

Minnesota Housing released drafts of its 2020-23 Strategic Plan and 2020-21 Affordable Housing Plan for public comment. The 2020-23 Strategic Plan provides strategic direction for the next four years and the 2020-21 Affordable Housing Plan is the business plan to implement the first two years of the Strategic Plan and includes key initiatives and estimates […]

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Releases Energy Scorecard Reports

Minnestoa Housing and the Center for Energy and Environment released the EnergyScoreCards Phase II report, which study the impacts of energy and water benchmarking paired with more supportive technical and financial assistance in 31 subsidized, multifamily, affordable housing buildings.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota 2020 QAP Comment Period Now Open

Minnesota Housing’s Board of Directors approved the proposed 2021 QAP and the formal comment period for the QAP is now open through August 26 at 5 pm CDT.


Minnesota Invests 108.6 Million into Housing

During the 2019 legislative session the state of Minnesota allocated $180.6 million towards building and preserving homes, increasing home stability and strengthening homeownership around the state.


Southwest Minnesota and Lexington, KY End Homelessness for Certain Groups

Southwest Minnesota celebrated the effective end of chronic homelessness and Lexington, KY celebrated the effective end of veteran homelessness! In 2017, the Southwest Minnesota Continuum of Care celebrated the end of veteran homelessness and is now one of only four communities to end both veteran and chronic homelessness.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota’s 2019 Action Plan Comment Period and Hearing – May 7

The State of Minnesota issued a draft of its 2019 Action Plan. This plan directs how the state will meet needs and priorities in 2019 using HUD resources, and will be submitted to HUD to receive federal housing and community assistance funding for the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships, National Housing Trust Fund, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS and Emergency Solutions Grant. A public hearing on the draft plan will be held on May 7 at 4 pm CDT at Minnesota Housing’s office – 400 Wabasha Street, Suite 400, St. Paul.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Housing Leadership Changes, State Budget Proposal

The new Minnesota Housing Commissioner, Jennifer Ho, recently named Rachel Robinson as Deputy Commissioner and James Lehnhoff as Assistant Commissioner for Multifamily.Governor Tim Walz released his proposed Budget for One Minnesota, which calls for over $280 million for homes through $131.6 million in Minnesota Housing program budget and $150 million bonding budget for the preservation of existing affordable housing and to create new homes.

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