Minnesota Housing will hold a Supportive Housing Engagement Session on Occupancy and Ongoing Operations from 9 to 10:30 a.m. CT on October 27.
Minnesota Housing updated its Community Profiles webpage with 2022 Consolidated RFP/2023 LIHTC scoring information, as well as interactive maps to gauge how different sites will score geographic points in the 2022 Consolidated RFP.
Loan servicing requests received by Minnesota Housing before September 15, 2021 will receive review priority to meet end of year closing deadlines. Loan servicing requests submitted after Sept. 15, 2021 cannot be guaranteed to close before the end of the year.
The Minnesota Department of Commerce will host a multifamily guidance review virtual meeting at 1 p.m. ET on August 31.
NH&RA member Nixon Peabody is urging investors and developers interested in property rehabilitation opportunities to take note of the Minnesota state court’s ruling in favor of parties committed to historic preservation.
Minnesota Housing is offering the following trainings in partnership with People Incorporated Training Institute. During the mental health and de-escalation for property management staff training, participants will learn how to respond to angry outbursts, accusations and threats from tenants instead of just reacting to them. Using a mental health and trauma focus we will look at the neurology of these intense and upsetting encounters and some common mistakes that people make while trying to diffuse them.
Minnesota Housing is accepting applications for the Homework Starts with Home (HSWH) program through noon CT on August 10. This program supports collaborative efforts between schools, housing organizations and local governments to identify, engage and stabilize students and their families experiencing homelessness. $3.5 million in HSWH funds is available using the Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP) and Housing […]
Minnesota Housing is now accepting applications for the Homework Starts with Home (HSWH) program. This program supports collaborative efforts between schools, housing organizations and local governments to identify, engage and stabilize students and their families experiencing homelessness.
On January 15, 2021 the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2021-12, which extends COVID-19 relief measures originally provided under Notice 2020-53 and provides further relief that have expired or were not included in the prior relief notice.
The St. Paul Public Housing Authority (PHA) is offering up to 50 Project-based Vouchers through the Consolidated RFP with an additional 20 Project-based Vouchers specifically for HUD – Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH). Applications will be accepted through Minnesota Housing’s Multifamily Customer Portal. Applications are due by noon on July 15. For information on Project-based Vouchers, please visit the St. Paul PHA website or contact Dominic Mitchell, St. Paul PHA Housing Choice Voucher Programs Director at 651-292-6191 or dominic.mitchell@stpha.org.
Minnesota’s Metropolitan Council announced another year of record funding levels. A total of $8 million was approved for the Local Housing Incentives Account (LHIA). These dollars will be available in the multifamily deferred pool of financing in the 2021 Consolidated RFP.
Minnesota Housing accepting applications for the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Rental Assistance Program Request for Proposals (RFP) through 4:30 pm. CT on May 26.