
QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Round Two Pre-Applications due March 11

Minnesota Housing is now accepting applications for Round 2 of the 2022 LIHTC Program.

QAP Minnesota

Applications for Minnesota’s Round Two Due March 25

Minnesota Housing is now accepting applications for Round Two of the 2022 LIHTC Program. Approximately $1 million in LIHTCs will be available, including $375,000 from the Rural Development (RD) set aside.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Holds Regional Housing Forums – Jan. 18 & 21

Minnesota Housing is beginning to develop its 2024-2025 QAP. Because Minnesota Housing forward allocates LIHTCs, the 2024-2025 QAP will set the overall funding priorities for the 2023 and the 2024 Consolidated Request for Proposals.

QAP Minnesota

Submit Comments to Minnesota’s Housing Stability Services Survey by Dec. 10

Minnesota Housing is seeking feedback to help inform the design of a program intended to provide housing services and support to help Minnesota households maintain their housing during the pandemic.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota 20224-2025 QAP & 2023-2024 RFP Funding Priorities Hearing – Dec. 15

Minnesota Housing will hold a hearing on its 2024-2025 QAP and 2023-2024 Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) funding priorities from 10:30 a.m. to noon CT on December 15. Register here.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Seeks Feedback from Stakeholders

In the coming months, Minnesota Housing will lead and participate in several engagement opportunities that will gather input from a variety of stakeholders on its 2024-2025 QAP and 2023-2024 Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) funding priorities.

QAP Minnesota

Comments on Minnesota’s Draft CAPER Due Nov. 30

The State of Minnesota is developing its draft Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report and Performance Evaluation Report for 2021.  

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota to Receive $31 Million in HOME-ARP

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 appropriated $5 billion to be administered by HUD under the HOME Investment Partnerships Program to increase housing stability by assisting individuals, households or other vulnerable populations who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Hosts Occupancy and Ongoing Operations Webinar – Oct. 27

Minnesota Housing is hosting a webinar for an engagement session with Minnesota Housing staff and supportive housing providers to talk about topics related to occupancy and ongoing operations.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Accepting Four Percent Applications, Carryover Allocation Applications

Minnesota Housing is accepting pre-applications for an allocation of 2022 Four Percent Only Housing Tax Credits for projects expected to be financed with tax-exempt volume limited bonding authority from Minnesota Management and Budget. 

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Hosts Supportive Housing Engagement Session – Oct. 27

Minnesota Housing will hold a Supportive Housing Engagement Session on Occupancy and Ongoing Operations from 9 to 10:30 a.m. CT on October 27.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Posts 2023 LIHTC Community Profiles

Minnesota Housing updated its Community Profiles webpage with 2022 Consolidated RFP/2023 LIHTC scoring information, as well as interactive maps to gauge how different sites will score geographic points in the 2022 Consolidated RFP.

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