

Minnesota Agency Posts Selection Criteria for TCAP, Exchange

The Minnesota Housing Finance Agency recently published its selection process and criteria for eligible projects applying for funding through the Tax Credit Exchange and Tax Credit Assistance (TCAP) Programs.


States’ ARRA Resource Page

NH&RA will continue to update the ARRA resource page below as information is made available.


Minnesota Housing announces new timeline for RFPs

Minnesota Housing has announced changes and new timeline for the Agency’s requests for proposals.


Minnesota Proposes Revisions to 2010 Tax Credit Program, QAP

Minnesota Housing has issued a notice outlining proposed revisions to its qualified allocation plan (QAP) and procedural manual for its 2010 low-income housing tax credit program.


Census Releases American Housing Survey Metropolitan Reports

Metropolitan reports (in PDF format) from the 2007 American Housing Survey are available for download at the U.S. Census Bureau’s Web site.

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