The Internal Revenue Service divided $2.59 million in unused Low Income Housing Tax Credits from calendar year 2015 among 30 states.
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Minnesota Housing, and the Minnesota Department of Human Services are taking comments on:
Minnesota Housing is excited to partner with the National Development Council to offer the Housing Development Finance Professional Certification Program™ (HDFP) in Minnesota. The HDFP Certification Program is a four-course training program that explores the development process, financial analysis techniques, deal structuring, and negotiating skills needed to successfully develop and finance affordable home ownership and […]
Minnesota Housing has released a draft of the 2016 Affordable Housing Plan, our annual business plan. The Affordable Housing Plan outlines key programmatic and policy initiatives, specifies program-by-program funding and establishes production goals. We encourage you to review and comment on the plan. To learn more about the plan and participate in a discussion, please join […]
Minnesota Housing just released the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan, and is now preparing the 2016 Affordable Housing Plan (AHP), the business plan for the upcoming year. The AHP outlines key programmatic and policy initiatives, specifies program-by-program funding, and establishes assistance goals.
The State of Minnesota is developing its 2016 Action Plan and 2015 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). We encourage you to participate in the development of both documents.
The approved Michigan state budget includes $104.596 million for all of Minnesota Housing’s state-funded programs. During the special session, the Legislature also passed a Capital Investment bill which authorizes $10 million in Housing Infrastructure Bonds. Overall, Minnesota Housing received a $6.5 million increase in total appropriations above anticipated funding levels. This is a $3 million […]
Minnesota Housing and its partners announced the availability of funding to build and preserve affordable housing across the state. Total amounts available will be determined by the Minnesota Legislature and a final availability of funds notice will be distributed after the legislative session ends on May 18.
If you plan to apply for funds from Minnesota Housing for the 2015 Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) or 2016 Housing Tax Credits (HTC) Round 1, please note the following updates.
Minnesota Housing Finance Agency will accept comments on the proposed changes to the distribution of low income housing tax credits to suballocators in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and Greater Minnesota until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 27.
The Minnesota Housing Finance Agency is now accepting applications for Round 2 of the 2015 Housing Tax Credit Program. There is approximately $190,000 in tax credits available for Round 2. An additional $185,000 in returned credits may also become available this round. Materials are available online and applications are due January 27, 2015 by 5:00 […]
Preservation of Affordable Housing’s second new construction phase of The Grant at Woodlawn Park has been selected as the overall winner in Affordable Housing Finance’s annual Readers’ Choice Awards.