
QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Hosts Learning and Feedback Opportunities for 2020 QAP

Minnesota Housing is offering online and in-person sessions for you to learn more about Minnesota Housing’s 2020 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), which will govern how 2020 Housing Tax Credits are awarded to developments. The QAP is published a year in advance of applications being due to give communities and developers sufficient time to effectively align […]

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Hosts Public Hearing and Comment Period: Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, Action Plan and Consolidated Plan

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Minnesota Housing, and the Minnesota Department of Human Services are accepting comments on the following documents from January 31-March 2, 2018: Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing This study is part of HUD’s requirement in the Federal Fair Housing Act to affirmatively further fair housing choice and […]

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota LIHTC Round 2 Apps Due 1/31

There is approximately $881,000 in tax credits available; $300,000 in the Rural Development/Small Project set-aside (RD set-aside) and $581,000 in the unified pool.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Seeks Feedback for 2020 QAP

In preparation for the 2020 update of our Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) for Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Minnesota Housing has created a timeline for developing potential changes, clarifications, and enhancement to its QAP. The state is seeking feedback from stakeholders on several issues.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Housing Partnership Names Anne Mavity New Executive Director

Mavity replaces MHP founder and executive director Chip Halbach, who is retiring after leading MHP for 30 years. Halbach started MHP in 1987 to create a statewide voice and support organization for affordable housing development.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Hosting Affordable Housing Plan Webinar 8/24

By Tuesday, August 22, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency plans to release a draft of their 2018 Affordable Housing Plan.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Housing Moves to New Address, Receives New Logo

Phone numbers and website will remain the same.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota: Public Comments for National Housing Trust Fund Draft Allocation Plan Due 7/5

Minnesota Housing will receive $3,118,428 from the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Federal Fiscal Year 2017. 

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Proposes Changes for 2019 QAP, Public Comments Due June 21

A brief summary of changes for the 2019 QAP follow. The MHFA summary of changes document provides a more detailed synopsis.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Hosts 2019 QAP In-Person Discussion Session May 31

Minnesota Housing Finance Agency is hosting an open-forum discussion regarding potential changes to the 2019 QAP.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota Solicits Multifamily Appraisers, Deadline April 11

Minnesota Housing is currently updating its list of approved appraisers. The Agency periodically contracts with appraisers to value affordable housing developments and land parcels to be used for affordable housing development.

QAP Minnesota

Minnesota: Register for New Customer Portal to Apply for 2017 RFP and 2018 Tax Credits

Beginning with the 2017 RFP and 2018 HTC Round 1, developers will be required to apply for funding through an online portal.

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