Anticipated dates for the 2025 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2026 HTC Round 1 are listed below. Dates will be finalized on the Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Funding Rounds webpage.
The Minnesota Housing board approved the 2026-2027 Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), which includes the Self-Scoring Worksheet, at the Nov. 21, 2024, board meeting.
Minnesota Housing announced the availability of up to approximately $5.5 million in funding to address homelessness and housing instability among students and their families through the Homework Starts with Home (HSWH) Program.
Minnesota Housing announced the availability of up to $25.0 million for Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Program Rental Assistance during the grant term of Oct. 1, 2025-Sept. 30, 2027, to provide funding for temporary rental assistance and housing-related expenses, such as application fees and security deposits, in partnership with supportive services for High Priority Homeless families and individuals.
Minnesota Housing announced the availability of up to approximately $20.5 million in funding to provide supportive services and direct financial assistance to help households retain their housing or obtain housing through the Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP).
Minnesota Housing is now accepting pre-applications for an award of 2025 four percent Housing Tax Credits (HTC) for projects expected to be financed with tax-exempt volume limited bonding authority from Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB).
Minnesota Housing Housing Finance Agency’s announced reporting requirements for state-level prevailing wage statutes amended during the state’s 2023 and 2024 legislative sessions.
Please join Minnesota Housing staff on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024, to learn more about State Housing Tax Credit (SHTC) Program and Contribution Fund Designated Contributions and the new project registration process.
Minnesota Housing launched the State Housing Tax Credit (SHTC) Program Request for Proposals (RFP) on July 9 and is accepting applications for the 2024 SHTC Program RFP established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 462A.40 and 290.0683, collectively.
Minnesota Housing staff hosted a 2026-2027 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) Discussion on June 18.
Eligible Minnesota taxpayers can contribute at least $1,000 up to $2 million to the State Housing Tax Credit Program and Contribution Fund and, in return, receive a State Tax Credit Certificate (TCC) equal to 85 percent of the contribution amount.
Minnesota Housing is pleased to announce the availability of up to $39 million in Workforce Housing Development Program (WHDP) deferred funding, which is all the funding available for 2023/2024 for the WHDP.