

Voters Reject Ballot Initiative to Repeal Massachusetts Affordable Housing Law

Voters in Massachusetts rejected Ballot Initiative Question 2, which sought to repeal the state’s affordable housing law known as Chapter 40B.


DHCD Solicits Comment on HDIP

Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development Undersecretary Tina Brooks is hosting three listening sessions on the Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP).


Massachusetts Extends Historic Tax Credit

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick recently signed the state’s 2011 budget bill, which includes an extension of the state Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit program until December 31, 2017.


Massachusetts Releases Amended 2010 QAP

The Massachusetts Department of Housing & Community Development has released its draft amended 2010 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP).


Massachusetts Ballot Initiative Could Repeal State Affordable Housing Law

Massachusetts voters will vote this November on a ballot initiative to preserve or repeal the state’s affordable housing law, also known as the Comprehensive Permit Law or simply Chapter 40B.


Obama Administration Names HUD’s New England Director

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan has announced the selection of Richard Walega as HUD’s new Regional Director for New England, which comprises Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.


Massachusetts Announces Public Hearing on 2010 QAP

The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has scheduled a public hearing to solicit questions comments on the 2010 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program.


New Massachusetts Law Addresses Preservation of Assisted Affordable Housing

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick has signed legislation that establishes a new chapter regarding publicly assisted affordable housing, which includes a wide variety of federally and state assisted rental housing projects, including Section 8, federal and state low-income housing tax credits, Section 221(d)(4), and others.


Massachusetts Governor Signs Expiring Use Bill, Announces Preservation Loan Fund

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick recently signed into law a statute dubbed the “expiring use” bill, aimed at preserving as affordable, thousands of units of housing in Massachusetts intended to be used by low-income residents.


NCAHMA Member Explores Housing Trends In Boston

David Kirk, principal and founder of Kirk & Co., recently published an article in the New England Real Estate Journal entitled “The Greater Boston Housing Report Card for 2009.”


NH&RA to Make 2009 Vision Awards to Boston Pacesetters

The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association (NH&RA) will present its 2009 Vision Award to two Bostonians for outstanding accomplishments and leadership in the field of affordable housing, at a November 2 ceremony in Boston during the NH&RA Fall Developers Forum.


Massachusetts Amends Tax Credit Exchange Program Guidelines

The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has amended its Tax Credit Exchange Program guidelines, effective September 25, 2009.

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