

Massachusetts Approves Supportive Housing Proposal

Massachusetts lawmakers have approved a new program designed to integrate support services and affordable housing for the elderly, disabled, and homeless families.


HUD Releases Revised Income Limits

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today released revised fiscal year (FY) 2011 income limits for certain areas.


Massachusetts Proposes Changes to 2012 CDBG Program

The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is contemplating changes to several aspects of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for FY 2012.


Orchestrating Opportunities: Developer Larry Curtis Creates Housing Through Diverse Deals

Larry Curtis, the mustachioed president and managing partner of WinnDevelopment, likens the role of a developer to a musical conductor. “What I like about being a developer is you get to invent deals. You’re the orchestra leader that doesn’t necessarily know how to play all the instruments…”


Massachusetts Releases Final 2011 QAP

The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has released the final version of its 2011 qualified allocation plan.


Corcoran Jennison President Marty Jones Named New Head of MassDevelopment

NH&RA congratulates Corcoran Jennison President Marty Jones on her appointment as the new head of MassDevelopment.


Boston Redevelopment Authority Releases 2010 Census Data

The Boston Redevelopment Authority recently released updated Boston census data and a summary of data changes between 2000 and 2010, including age, ethnicity and housing data.


Massachusetts Announces 2011 Funding Round

The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has announced that the first rental funding competition of 2011 will begin on April 28, 2011.


Massachusetts Releases Draft 2011 QAP

The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development has released a draft version of its 2011 Qualified Allocation Plan for governing the state’s LIHTC program.


State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Outlook for 2011

NH&RA Historic Preservation Development Council Member MacRostie Historic Advisors has posted an excellent state historic tax credit update on its website.


Massachusetts Releases Draft Action Plan for 2011 CDBG, HOME Programs

The Massachusetts Department of Housing & Economic Development has released a draft version of its 2011 One Year Action Plan for CDGB, HOME, ESG & HOPWA Programs.


Boston’s PILOT Task Force Releases Report and Recommendations

After two years of meetings and study, Boston Mayor Tom Menino’s PILOT Task Force has released its final report recommending more consistent monetary contributions from the city’s tax-exempt non-profit institutions.

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