As part of the agreement, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development will finance with Low Income Housing Tax Credits at least 1,500 units of family housing in communities of opportunity within the Baltimore region.
Following a recent listening tour, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development has begun work on revising its QAP.
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development has two remaining listening tours (Eastern Shore and Baltimore) and has changed the Baltimore location.
The Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) seeks qualified and experienced developers to apply for affordable housing subsidies for either new construction or substantial rehabilitation.
If the budget is approved, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development will announce the available money with further information for the beginning of the new fiscal year which begins July 1st.
The record 41 applicants all met threshold criteria; 20 were awarded allocations.
Governor Larry Hogan today announced awardees for demolition funds through Project C.O.R.E., or Creating Opportunities for Renewal and Enterprise, a multi-year city-state partnership to demolish vacant and derelict buildings in Baltimore and replace them with green space or create the foundation for redevelopment in Baltimore City.
Read on for access to the electronic survey.
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) received 41 applications requesting $32.5 million of Rental Housing Funds (RHF), $56.5 million of federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) in the Fall 2016 Competitive Funding Round.
The Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition will host their 16th Annual Membership Meeting and Housing Awards Program.
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development has released a Notice that it has sent both its QAP and Multifamily Rental Financing Program Guide (the “Guide”) to Governor Hogan for approval. Here are some significant changes.
Three of the state’s four revitalization programs have begun the application process for FY17 funding.