The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) updated its Assisted Housing Relief Program Portal to allow requests for the current year and the previous year. When making a request you will need to select either 2021 or 2022.
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development released the final draft of the QAP and Multifamily Rental Financing Program Guide for public comment.
The application process for Capital Impact Partners’ Housing Equity Accelerator Fellowship is now open for Black, Indigenous and People of Color developers in the metropolitan District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia region.
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development revised its draft 2021 QAP.
The Maryland Public Service Commission unanimously voted to expand the capacity of the state’s community solar program, as well as improve access for low- and moderate-income customer participation in the state’s Community Solar Pilot Program.
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will hold three listening sessions as it begins the process of updating its 2021 QAP.
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development implemented a copy tenant feature, which allows property managers to quickly copy resident data to populate a new request for subsequent months of Assisted Housing Relief Program (AHRP) funds.
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is re-opening its submission portal for end of year (EOY) reporting through August 2. A list of all properties subject to 2020 EOY Data Submission is available here.
The Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) set aside $40 million to relaunch the Assisted Housing Relief Program (AHRP), which serves rental units in multifamily projects financed by DHCD’s Community Development Administration using state funds and other federal resources.
Legislation in Maryland takes effect July 1 that will expand the types of property eligible for its state Historic Revitalization Tax Credit (HTC). H.B. 539 expands the definitions of “certified historic structures” and “single-family, owner-occupied residences” to include structures located on property owned by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, is occupied by a person under an agreement with the department that allows the occupant to pay for the structure’s rehabilitation as a condition of occupancy and meets one of the criteria to be designated as a certified historic structure or be eligible to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places as determined by the director of the Maryland Historical Trust.
CohnReznick LLP announced that Joshua (Josh) Graham joined the firm as a tax partner in its commercial real estate practice. Based in the Chicago metro area, he has extensive public accounting experience in the construction and real estate industries, and with the Opportunity Zone (OZ) program, the firm said.
The Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) is now accepting applications for its Assisted Housing Relief Program (AHRP), which serves rental units in multifamily projects financed by DHCD’s Community Development Administration.