Market Analysis


Chicago Conference Registration Open; Call For Speakers

We are pleased to announce that online registration and hotel reservations are now open for the National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts Affordable Housing Underwriting Conference & Annual Meeting.


Minnesota Releases “˜Environmental Scan’ of Housing

Minnesota’s Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) has released a report entitled, “Environmental Scan: Demographic, Economic and Market Factors Impacting Housing.”

NH&RA News

Harvard’s Joint Center Releases National Housing Report for 2011

The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University has published its new “State of the Nation’s Housing 2011″ report.

NH&RA News

AARP Report Shows Increase in Multigenerational Households

The AARP has issued a new report that shows growth of multigenerational households has accelerated during the economic downturn.


HUD Releases U.S. Housing Market Conditions Report for First Quarter 2011

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has released its U.S. Housing Market Conditions Report for the first quarter of 2011.


HUD Publishes Analysis of Nashville Housing Market Area

HUD’s Economic and Market Analysis Division prepared a comprehensive housing market analysis of the Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro-Franklin, Tennessee housing market area.


HUD Solicits Comments on Native American Housing Needs

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) last week invited public comments on a proposed assessment of Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian housing needs.


HUD Releases Market Analysis of Lubbock, TX

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Economic and Market Analysis Division has prepared a Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis for the Lubbock, Texas market area.

NH&RA News

Revised AHIC Underwriting Guidelines Endorse NCAHMA

The Affordable Housing Investors Council recently published revised underwriting guidelines for or low-income housing tax credit investments. Notably the Market Study section of the guidelines strongly endorse NH&RA’s National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts recommending:
“A third party market study completed less than 6 months before the investor closes into the partnership should be used in the analysis of rental rates, absorption rates and demand assumptions.

NH&RA News

Harvard Joint Center Releases New Rental Housing Study

The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University is pleased to announce the publication of a new report, America’s Rental Housing: Meeting Challenges, Building on Opportunities.

NH&RA News

NLIHC Releases Out of Reach 2011 Report

The National Low Income Housing Coalition today released “Out of Reach 2011.”


Spring Affordable Housing Policy & Underwriting Forum Slides Now Available

NH&RA is pleased to make available the slides presented at the recent 2011 NCAHMA Spring Affordable Housing Policy & Underwriting Forum, April 27-28 in Washington, DC. Slides will be available to the public for a limited time only, and then only available to NH&RA members.

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