
QAP Louisiana

E. Keith Cunningham, Jr. appointed as Executive Director of Louisiana Housing Corp.

Cunningham has represented LHC in many capacities over the past ten years. The appointment will be confirmed at the regularly scheduled board meeting in January.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Hosts LIHTC Application Workshop Dec. 15

This will be the first of three application workshops being held in advance of issuing the 2017 Draft Qualified Allocation Plan.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Releases 2017 Timeline, Public Hearing 12/15/16

The comment period for the next QAP began on October 12, 2016 and includes several public hearings leading up to the proposed Board approval date of March 8, 2017.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Posts FAQ for 2016 Distressed Projects Initiative NOFA

The NOFA is designed to provide funding to financially distressed projects awarded 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) through the 2015 LIHTC Funding Round that are located in Ike-Gustav designated parishes.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Releases 2016 Distressed Projects Initiative NOFA, Apps due Oct. 7

The NOFA is designed to provide funding to financially distressed projects awarded 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) through the 2015 LIHTC Funding Round that are located in Ike-Gustav designated parishes.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana: FEMA Offering Repairs to Multifamily Housing

FEMA can pay for repairs and improvements to multi-family housing, such as apartment complexes, if a property owner agrees to temporarily house disaster survivors for up to 18 months.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Activates Disaster Housing Task Force in Wake of Flood

The task force’s most immediate need is for landlords to communicate available properties so that LAHousingSearch can be updated daily with the most updated vacancies available statewide.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Hosts Forum on FY 2017 Consolidated Annual Action Plan

The Plan includes National Housing Trust Fund, Small Cities CDBG, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Emergy Solutions Grants, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Solicits Comment on National Housing Trust Fund Allocation

Topics they would appreciate seeing addressed include “how recipients should be selected and what qualifications they should have; preferences based on geographic diversity; and how within the federal guidelines these funds should be used.”

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Housing Corporation Board Elects New Chairman and Appoints New Interim Executive Director

The board of directors of the Louisiana Housing Corporation elected Lloyd “Buddy” Spillers as its new chairman of the board and appoint E. Keith Cunningham, Jr. as Interim Executive Director and General Counsel.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Responds to New 9% Minimum Housing Credit Rate

Louisiana Housing Corporation will use the 9% applicable percentage on IRS Form(s) 8609 for any new building placed in service after December 18, 2015 and which is not federally subsidized. No change in the amount of Low-Income Housing Credits previously awarded or allocated by LHC to buildings placed in service after December 18, 2015 is anticipated.

QAP Louisiana

Louisiana Posts Q&As, Extends Deadline for Disaster Recovery RFP

Louisiana Housing Corporation posted Questions and Answers for the Disaster Recovery RFP. The deadline for submittals for the RFP has been extended to December 11.

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