Louisiana Housing Corporation’s regularly scheduled monthly Board Meeting set for Wednesday, January 10, 2018 has been canceled.
This program is designed to fund projects that create or preserve affordable multifamily rental housing across Louisiana.
On November 8, the Louisiana Housing Corporation Board of Directors decided to invest an additional $33.8 to produce and preserve affordable multi-family rental properties in designated areas impacted by disaster.
Join Louisiana Housing Corporation for a lively discussion about best practices, policy tools, and strategies to create and preserve affordable housing in Louisiana.
The developments represent a mix of urban and rural projects that will produce 1,080 privately owned and operated affordable housing units.
Interested parties may obtain a copy of the RFP by visiting LHC’s website at www.lhc.la.gov.
The Corporation will offer program seminars to answer NOFA-specific questions according to the schedule provided.
A redline draft of the QAP has been released and will be presented today to the Board of Directors. Read on for a summary of changes.
The third 2017 Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Application Workshop will be held on Thursday, February 9, 2017 at the Louisiana Housing Corporation.
Cunningham has represented LHC in many capacities over the past ten years. The appointment will be confirmed at the regularly scheduled board meeting in January.
This will be the first of three application workshops being held in advance of issuing the 2017 Draft Qualified Allocation Plan.
The comment period for the next QAP began on October 12, 2016 and includes several public hearings leading up to the proposed Board approval date of March 8, 2017.