The Louisiana Housing Corporation released a draft version of its 2019 QAP for comment. A hearing on the draft QAP will be held on May 6 at 10 am CST at 2415 Quail Drive in Baton Rouge, LA. Register here to attend the hearing. Comments on the draft QAP should be sent to
Vitus announced the preservation and renovation of the 140-unit La Playa Apartments (formerly known as Suburban Apartments) in Baton Rouge. The renovation is the company’s first project in Louisiana and includes large-scale improvements to an apartment complex that has provided affordable housing to low-income families in Baton Rouge and East Baton Rouge Parish for 43 years.
The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) released a $25 million Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) to increase and preserve affordable housing opportunities in 37 parishes impacted by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Specifically, $14.7 M has been allocated for recovery in New Orleans, which sustained the largest amount of damage from Katrina. The remaining dollars will be made available in all parishes that were impacted by the storms.
Today, the Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) awarded $12.3 million in housing credits for the construction and rehabilitation of 20 affordable housing developments. The credits will be used to maximize the production and preservation of safe, affordable, energy efficient residential housing units in 13 parishes impacted by the Historic Floods of 2016. “We recognize our responsibility as an affordable […]
The addendum provides interested parties with a list and map of eligible parishes in which rural pool projects must be located to compete for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds.
LHC has prepared a listing of the QAP’s most frequently asked questions. In addition, the listing of Official Parish Journals are now available on the website.
Parties interested in applying for housing credits through the QAP are encouraged to attend the QAP Application Workshop. Although not required, pre-registration is recommended.
The $28 billion is a record high and comes from congressional appropriations made by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (PL 115-123).
Registration is currently open for both the March 29 and May 4 workshops.
Founder and senior partner of LSA & Partners, Byron L. Lee has been appointed by Senate President John A. Alario, Jr., to serve on the Louisiana Housing Corporation Board of Directors.
Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) released a draft of the 2018 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) for public comment.
Funds will be used to provide low-cost debt financing for the acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation of three properties located in Shreveport and New Orleans. The properties are projected to benefit 297 working families and individuals.