

Louisiana Releases 2012 LIHTC Application FAQs

Louisiana Housing Finance Agency has released frequently asked questions with regards to its 2012 online LIHTC application process.


Louisiana Publishes FAQs on 2011-12 Funding Round

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency has published seven “Frequently Asked Questions” regarding the 2011-2012 per capita tax credits funding round.


Louisiana Publishes Final 2011-12 QAP

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency (LHFA) has released final versions (clean and redlined) of its 2011-2012 Qualified Allocation Plan for administering the low-income housing tax credit program.


Louisiana Releases Updated 2011 QAP

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency (LHFA) has released a red-lined and clean versions of its 2011-2012 qualified allocation plan (QAP) on its website.


HUD, Treasury Secretaries Send Letter Supporting GO Zone Deadline Extension

The Secretaries of the U.S. Departments of Treasury and Housing and Urban Development recently co-signed a letter to Senator Mary Landrieu, in response to correspondence the agencies received from Sen. Landrieu in March.


LHFA Announces 2011 WAP Hearing

Louisiana Housing Finance Agency will hold a public hearing to obtain public comments on the proposed 2011 Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) annual grant application.


Louisiana Releases Timeline for 2011 LIHTCs

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency (LHFA) has announced its tentative timeline of 2011 low-income housing tax credit reservations for competitive applications


Louisiana Announces Plan for Remaining TCAP Allocations

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency (LHFA) recently released a memo that describes how it will award its remaining Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) funds.


Louisiana Releases Strategy for Allocating Remaining TCAP Funds

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency is in the process of implementing an initiative to allocate its remaining $1.7 million in Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) funds.


Census Bureau Releases Final AHS Data on New Orleans

The U.S. Census Bureau has released final tabulations from the 2009 American Housing Survey metropolitan survey of New Orleans in Excel format.


HUD Releases First Comprehensive Housing Survey of New Orleans Since Katrina

In the five years since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf coast, the New Orleans metropolitan area lost 75,000 housing units or nearly 13 percent of its housing stock. In addition, the median monthly cost of housing rose by nearly 33 percent, from $662 in 2004 to $882 in 2009.


Louisiana Releases Updated Application, FAQs for 2010 Funding Round

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency has released a series of frequently-asked-questions, as well as an updated application form for its 2010 low-income housing tax credit funding round.

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