
Chicago Conference Registration Open; Call For Speakers

We are pleased to announce that online registration and hotel reservations are now open for the National Council of Affordable Housing Market Analysts Affordable Housing Underwriting Conference & Annual Meeting.

NH&RA News

Proposed Bill Would Expand Options for Military Housing

U.S. Representative Bill Owens (D-NY) has introduced a new bill (H.R. 2097) that would allow military service members to exclude basic allowance for housing (BAH) from their income when applying for low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) housing.


Ohio Considers Changes to LIHTC Underwriting Standards

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) has announced that more time is needed to consider proposed changes to the QAP’s underwriting standards, as well as other proposed changes.


California Publishes Operating Cost Minimums & Methodology for 2012

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) maintains an operating cost database to help derive operating cost averages for its portfolio of low-income housing tax credit projects.

New York

New York Names HCR Commissioner

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo last week hosted a reception and swearing in ceremony for Darryl C. Towns, Commissioner/CEO of New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR).


Louisiana Publishes Final 2011-12 QAP

The Louisiana Housing Finance Agency (LHFA) has released final versions (clean and redlined) of its 2011-2012 Qualified Allocation Plan for administering the low-income housing tax credit program.


Orchestrating Opportunities: Developer Larry Curtis Creates Housing Through Diverse Deals

Larry Curtis, the mustachioed president and managing partner of WinnDevelopment, likens the role of a developer to a musical conductor. “What I like about being a developer is you get to invent deals. You’re the orchestra leader that doesn’t necessarily know how to play all the instruments…”


HUD Releases FY 2011 Income Limits

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has released the new area median income limits for Fiscal Year 2011.


Washington Releases Proposed Changes to 2012 Tax Credit Program Policies

The Washington State Housing Finance Commission recently released a draft of its proposed changes to the 2012 tax credit program policies.


California Issues LIHTC Guidance & Update

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) has issued a new memorandum a new scheduled Committee meeting date (June 22) to announce awards, and provides additional clarifying guidance for prospective second round applicants.


Oregon Legislation Would Extend State Tax Credit

The Oregon Legislature has introduce a measure, HB 2527, that would extend the extend the sunset on the Oregon Affordable Housing Tax Credit.


Nevada Schedules LIHTC Preservation Workshop

Nevada’s Housing Division recently announced that it will host an upcoming workshop entitled, “Affordable Housing Preservation: Preserving LIHTC Projects in Nevada on June 9 in Las Vegas.

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