
California Releases Comments on Cost Containment

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) yesterday released a summary of the comments that it received from stakeholders about costs associated with building affordable housing.


Virginia Schedules Market Analyst Forum

The Virginia Housing Development Authority has scheduled a Market Analyst Forum on Wednesday, September 14 in Belvidere. The forum will begin promptly at 10 a.m. and last approximately 1.5 hours. The focus of this discussion will be changes to VHDA’s market study guidelines and processes beginning in 2012.


Montana Releases Draft 2012 QAP

The Montana Board of Housing (MBOH) released the first draft of its 2012 QAP.


Texas Releases Draft 2012 QAP

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) released the first draft of its 2012 QAP as well as a draft of the 2012 Definitions and Amenities for Housing Program Activities.

North Carolina

North Carolina Releases Draft 2012 QAP

The North Carolina Housing Finance agency has released the first draft of its 2012 QAP as well as a summary of major revisions to the 2012 plan.


NH&RA Signs Tax Credit Rebuttal Letter

The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association has signed a letter, joined by numerous organizations, rebutting a proposal by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) to eliminate the federal low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program.


California Halts Dismantling of Redevelopment Agencies

The California Supreme Court has issued a partial stay that halts the dismantling of the state’s redevelopment agencies. The stay is in response to a lawsuit that challenges the validity of eliminating the redevelopment agencies.


Pennsylvania Schedules Pre-Application Meeting on September 15

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency will be holding an information session for its 2012 PennHOMES/Low Income Tax Credit Programs on Thursday, September 15, 2011.

NH&RA News

Kentucky Updates Underwriting Model

Kentucky Housing Corporation has updated its multifamily underwriting model for 2012. The new model is now available on KHC’s Web site, under Housing Production; Multifamily Finance; Applications, Guidelines, and Underwriting Models.


Louisiana Releases Strategy for Allocating Returned GO Zone Credits

In order to avoid the loss of approximately $1.03 million of returned GO Zone Credits at the end of calendar year 2011, the Louisiana Housing Finance Agency (LHFA) Board of Commissioners approved the following strategies to allocate GO Zone Credits.


Sen. Coburn Deficit Reduction Plan Calls for Ending Tax Credits, Slashing Federal Spending

On July 18, U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) unveiled a massive deficit reduction plan that calls for slashing federal spending, including for housing programs, and eliminating tax credit programs that promote affordable housing and community development, historic preservation, and renewable energy production.


Rep. Castor Offers Various Housing Proposals

In response to a recent White House discussion meeting which called for bold action to tackle the nation’s ongoing housing troubles, Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL) has sent a letter to President Obama proposing a number of recommendations that would significantly impact the development of affordable rental housing.

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