
New House Bill Would Create Appeal Process for Designation of QCTs and DDAs

Representative Pete Gallego (D-TX) recently introduced H.R. 5198 to amend Section 42(d)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide an appeal process  for designation as qualified census tracts (QCTs) and difficult development areas (DDAs) under the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. This legislation would allow any State or local government agency to […]


State News Week of July 14: Pennsylvania Senate Considers Expanding Affordable Housing Funds

State Senator Elder A. Vogel Jr. (R-47th District) and a bipartisan group of Pennsylvania State Senators sponsored a bill to expand the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund, commonly known as the State Housing Trust Fund….


Spring NCHMA Meeting Conference Materials

All conference materials, PowerPoint presentations, relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. from the 2014 Spring NCHMA Meeting are available below under the relevant session titles. Click below to learn more about the topics that were covered at the meeting! Conference Recordings of each session will be available in NH&RA’s Online Store following the conference. NCHMA Resource: […]


HUD Publishes Final Rule on HERA Changes to Section 8

On June 25, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development published a final rule making changes to the Section 8 tenant-based and project-based voucher programs made by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.

NH&RA News

Lancaster Pollard White Paper Preview: Financing Options for Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing

Click Here to Download the Full White Paper There is a tremendous shortage of affordable multifamily rental housing in America today.


State News Week of June 16: OHFA Health Impact Assessment and More

Ohio Housing Finance Agency Releases the Health Impact Assessment The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) released the Health Impact Assessment, a report that examines the health implications of a proposed government policy to align affordable housing inspections.


Senate Approps Approves $36 Billion in Discretionary Spending for HUD

The Senate Appropriations Committee recently approved its fiscal year (FY) 2015 Transportation-HUD spending bill by a measure of 29-1. The draft bill would provide $36 billion in discretionary spending for Housing and Urban Development programs, offsetting receipts estimated by CBO at $9.8 billion, which allows for program funding levels totaling $45.8 billion.


State News Week of June 2: Colorado Celebrates Victory for Affordable Housing

On Thursday, May 29, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed HB-1017 into law, renewing Colorado’s State Low Income Housing Tax Credit program. Sponsored by Representative Crisanta Duran and Senator Jessie Ulibarri, HB-1017 will create significant new resources to support the development of affordable rental housing across the state.


2014 Spring Developers Forum Conference Materials

All conference materials, PowerPoint presentations, relevant articles, reports, memos, etc. from the 2014 Spring Developers Forum are available below under the relevant session titles.


State News for the Week of May 27, 2014

QAP Deadlines


UPDATE: Tiberi-Neal Introduce Bill to Permanently Freeze LIHTC Credit Floor

Representatives Pat Tiberi (R-OH) and Richard Neal (D-MA) recently introduced H.R. 4717, a bill which would establish a permanent floor for both the 9% and 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). The bill would create a fixed nine percent rate for new rental construction property and a fixed four percent rate for existing property.

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