
Senate Tax Reform Working Group Report Estimates HTC, LIHTC, NMTC Expenditures

A report from the Senate Finance Committee Community Development & Infrastructure Bipartisan Tax Working Group estimated expenditures for the historic tax credit, low-income housing tax credit, and new markets tax credit for fiscal years 2014-2018. The report is meant to inform the committee’s discussions on tax reform. The report did not make any recommendations regarding the tax credit programs.

NH&RA News

Boston Capital Invests in Affordable Housing for Veterans in Boston, MA

Boston Capital is investing in the rehabilitation of Court Street Veterans Housing, a 97-unit apartment community serving formerly homeless and at-risk veterans in Boston, Massachusetts. Court Street Veterans Housing will be rehabilitated in part with tax credit equity from the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program.

Member News

City Real Estate Advisors Closes Tax Credit Fund That Raised $238.6

City Real Estate Advisors announced the closing of CREA Corporate Tax Credit Fund 43, LLC. The fund raised a total of $238.6 in capital from 13 investors.


Woda Group Receives $1.2M LIHTC Award for Affordable Development in Michigan

Woda Group, Inc. plans to build Grand View Place, a 68-unit affordable housing development, using Low-Income Housing Tax Credits from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority.


Senate Committee Approves Bill That Fixes 9% and 4% Credit Rate Floors

Senate Finance Committee approved a tax extender bill that fixes the 9% and 4% credit rate floor for allocations made in 2015 and 2016. These provisions are part of a larger two-year tax extender bill.

Member News

Vesta Corporation Announces Closing on Redevelopment Financing for Affordable Senior Living Community in Ohio

Vesta Corporation will conduct a complete rehabilitation and redevelopment of Villa Serena Apartments, a 242-unit apartment community in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. Vesta was awarded a federal Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contract (SPRAC). This award, combined with an FHA First Mortgage, 9% LIHTCs, and the $2 million, 20 year subsidy, will finance most of the estimated $40,000 per-apartment cost of the renovation.


CALL TO ACTION: Preserving and Protecting HOME funds, LIHTC, Tax-Exempt Bonds, Historic Tax Credit

NH&RA calls on its members to stop the Senate Appropriations Committee from slashing funding to the HOME program, join efforts to strength LIHTC, help preserve tax-exempt multifamily bonds, and advocate for the historic tax credit.


NH&RA Members Honored With Edson Tax Credit Excellence Awards

The Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition honored outstanding low income tax credit properties at its 21st Annual Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Awards. NH&RA members were involved in the development and financing of several of the award-winning projects.


ACTION Update: Resources to Support Current Housing Tax Credit Legislation

Affordable Rental Housing ACTION (A Call To Invest in Our Neighborhoods) issued resources to assist housing credit supporters in reaching out to their representatives in support of current legislation. NH&RA encourages our members to voice your support bills in the House and Senate that will set a minimum credit rate.


Senators Seek to Extend LIHTC Eligibility to Homeless, Veteran Students

Senators Al Franken (D-MN) and Rob Portmann (R-OH) introduced legislation to modify the tax code so that homeless youth and veterans who are full-time students are eligible to live in low-income housing tax credit properties.


HUD Report Examines Impact of QAPs on LIHTC Development Siting

Increased competition for low income housing tax credits (LIHTC) is expanding the role qualified allocation plans (QAPs) plays in determining where developments are built, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


Boston Capital Invests in Affordable Multifamily Community in Texas

Boston Capital is investing in the construction of a 72-unit apartment community. The apartment community will be built with tax credit equity from the LIHTC program. Homes will be available to individuals and families earning 60 percent or less of the area median income (AMI).

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