IRS Issues Notice on QCTs; Revenue Ruling on Localities Failing to Approve Projects

Both the notice and ruling relate to fair housing concerns – regarding QCTs and local NIMBY issues.

NH&RA News

NH&RA Encourages Members to Join Sign-On Letter in Support of LIHTC, Signatures Due Dec. 2

The ACTION Campaign has drafted a letter to the Trump Administration and Congress voicing support for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. As an ACTION Member, NH&RA is proud to be a signatory of the letter and we urge all our members and partners to sign-on as well.

NH&RA News

Trulia Study: LIHTC Properties Have No Impact on Nearby Home Values

The study looks at the 20 least affordable housing markets in the United States during a ten year window from 1996 to 2006.


Early Reflections on the 2016 Election

It will take some time to fully digest the results from last night’s election but I wanted to share some initial thoughts on what this may mean for our industry.   Whether you are a Republican or Democrat we must collectively figure out a way to come back from the divisive politics that characterized this election.  […]

QAP Texas

Texas Proposes Amendments to Right of First Refusal, Adding Nonprofits

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (“TDHCA”) is seeking input from the public for possible amendments to the 2017 Post Award and Asset Management rules through an online forum.

NH&RA News

Hillary Clinton Speaks on Expanding LIHTC in Op-Ed

Clinton cites the need for a “national commitment to create more affordable housing”, speaking of increasing the LIHTC in high-cost areas as well as directing 10% of federal investments to low-income communities.

General News

New Online Resource Illustrates Challenges to Developing Affordable Housing

Urban Institute and National Housing Conference have together created an interactive webpage which illustrates the need for subsidy when charging affordable rents to low-income families.

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky: Free LIHTC Compliance Training Aug. 9th

Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing (OCCH) Training Academy will be providing a one-day Basic LIHTC Compliance training on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, at Liberty Green, 500 E Jefferson Street, Louisville, Kentucky, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ET.


Senators Cantwell and Hatch Introduce Second Piece of Legislation Amending the LIHTC

On Thursday, July 14, Senate Finance Committee member Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) introduced legislation (S.3237) to improve the Low Income Housing Tax Credit.


House Releases Tax Reform Blueprint, Silent on LIHTC

The policy blueprint, which is entitled “A Pro-Growth Tax Code for All Americans,” contains no legislative language and outlines how the House plans to continue working on tax reform into 2017.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Likely to Incorporate NHTF in QAP

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund has announced a likelihood that West Virginia’s next QAP will award points for properties that utilize National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) monies and have project-based rental assistance.


GAO Report on LIHTC Allocating Agencies Notes Variety of State Approaches and Potential for Problems

The Government Accountability Office’s second report on LIHTC finds that the agencies that allocate state credits generally follow program requirements. However, approaches to QAP and LIHTC award criteria vary, which opens the door to problems for some agency practices.

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