
Congress Returns with Long Year-End To-Do List

Congress returns this week from the Thanksgiving holiday and the votes are in from all but three races.

NH&RA News 50th

NH&RA Joins Letter with Over 2,500 Signatories to Congress on LIHTC Provisions in a Year-End Bill

NH&RA joined a letter organized by the ACTION Campaign to congressional leaders, urging the inclusion of crucial LIHTC provisions in any end-of-year legislation.


HUD Designates DDAs, QCTs for 2023

HUD published a Federal Register notice designating 2023 difficult development areas (DDAs) and qualified census tracts (QCTs).


IRS Sets 2023 PAB, LIHTC Per-Capita Multiplier and Small-State Minimums; Allocates $5.4 Million to Unused Pool

IRS Revenue Procedure 2022-38 sets the per-capita multiplier for nine percent LIHTCs ($2.75) and the small state minimum ($3,185,000), as well as the private bond multiplier ($120) and the small state minimum ($358,845,000).


HUD Releases Guide on Increasing Supply of New Affordable Housing

A new guide from HUD, Increasing the Supply of New Affordable Housing: Quick Guide to Using HUD’s Community Planning and Development (CPD) Programs, details funding sources available for affordable housing and provides case studies.

General News

Improving Low Income Housing Tax Credit Data for Preservation

The National Low Income Housing Coalition and the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation’s (PAHRC) new joint report, Improving Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Data for Preservation, examines the extent to which housing finance agencies (HFAs) provide data on LIHTC properties at the state and local levels and analyzes the catalysts, challenges and necessary resources impacting their ability to collect, maintain and report LIHTC property data to HUD and the wider public.

General News

Average Income Regulations Submitted for OIRA Approval

The much-anticipated average income regulations have cleared the Treasury Department and are now under review by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).

Presidential Seal

House Passes, President Biden Signs Inflation Reduction Act

Last week, the House passed the Inflation Reduction Act along a party line vote and on Tuesday, President Biden signed the bill, enacting it into law.


Senate Finance Committee Hearing on LIHTC

Last week the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on The Role of Tax Incentives in Affordable Housing.


Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Call for Expedited Final Rule on Income Averaging

Last week, a bipartisan group of lawmakers sent a letter to the Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service urging the expedited release of a final rule on income averaging under the LIHTC program.


Treasury Says Housing Credit “Should Not Be Impacted” by OECD/Global Minimum Tax Rules

A few weeks ago, NH&RA and several of our partners sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urging that Community Development Finance Tools be preserved under a New Global Minimum Tax. Last week, the Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Lily Batchelder singled out breaks for low-income housing, renewable energy and the New Markets Tax […]


President Biden Releases FY2023 Budget Request

On Monday, the White House released its FY 2023 budget proposal, which requests $71.9 billion in discretionary funding for HUD and $50 billion for “Addressing Cost Pressures and Expanding Economic Capacity.”  

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