The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis recently launched a new interactive tool, Community Investment Explorer (CIE). CIE aggregates customizable data from the CDFI Program, New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC Program) and Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program to show geographic comparisons and trends over time. CIE draws on publicly available data from over […]
The Tennessee Housing Development Agency has published a memo regarding its remaining $26,900,000 of uncommitted Multifamily Bond Volume Cap. THDA will be accepting applications for this remaining balance for one day only, on Friday, November 3, 2017. Click here to learn more.
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs’ (“TDHCA”) has published Drafts of the following 2018 Rules for Public Comment: 10 TAC Chapter 10, Subchapter D, concerning Underwriting and Loan Policy (Comments due 11/27/17); 10 TAC Chapter 10, Subchapter E, relating to Post Award and Asset Management Requirements Policy (Comments due 11/27/17); 10 TAC Chapter […]
The Nebraska Investment Finance Authority has published its 2018 LIHTC\AHTC\HOME and 2018 CRANE applications. The application deadlines for Round One are: Threshold Deadline: 5:00 p.m. CST on November 20, 2017 Final Deadline: 5:00 p.m. CST on January 8, 2018 Submissions for the next CRANE cycle will be accepted until November 20, 2017. Questions may be […]
HUD has revised the effective date for designations of “Difficult Development Areas” (DDAs) and “Qualified Census Tracts” (QCTs) for purposes of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) approved for Federal disaster-related individual assistance. This Notice extends from 730 days to 850 days the period for which the 2015 lists of QCTs and DDAs are effective […]
Representative Pat Tiberi (R-OH-12), the lead Republican sponsor on the House version of the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (H.R. 1661) and a longtime champion of the Housing Credit, announced last week that he will leave Congress no later than January 31, 2018, nearly a year before his term ends. NH&RA thanks Rep. Tiberi for […]
CohnReznick recently released the sixth installment of an ongoing report, Housing Tax Credit Investments: High Performance and Increased Need. The report surveys a portfolio of over 22,000 LIHTC properties and the numbers this year show the best performance recorded over the 31 year history of the LIHTC program.
Applicants are not required to participate in the PAB Lottery, as applications can still be submitted to the Bond Review Board throughout the 2018 program year and reservations will be issued as volume cap is available.
While the 9-page “Unified Framework For Fixing Our Broken Tax Code” is silent on many critical details, one key feature is a 20% corporate tax rate. This lower rate potentially creates two snags for the tax-incentivized real estate industry.
CohnReznick found that housing tax credit properties are operating better than any period in the program’s history.
If enacted, areas that experienced federally-declared disasters from 2012 – 2015 would receive additional allocations towards tax credit programs
HUD recently published in the Federal Register 2018 updated Difficult to Develop Areas (DDAs) and Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs).