NCSHA Publishes Q&A Document on Income Averaging

The document answers technical questions about income averaging, makes recommendations for how states can implement income averaging, and identifies issues states should consider.


HUD Releases 2018 Income Limits

The limits determine eligibility for assisted housing programs including Public Housing, Sec. 8 project-based, Sec. 8 Housing Choice Voucher, Sec. 202, and Sec. 811.

General News

Novogradac Blog Examines Implementation and Issues Regarding Income-Averaging

A recent Notes from Novogradac blog post discusses the implementation of the income averaging election set-aside for low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) properties created by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018.

QAP West Virginia

West Virginia Will Postpone Income Averaging, Volume Cap Increase Soon to Come

The Fund anticipates being more restrictive by not permitting the income averaging provision in its first year of existence, namely 2018. 

QAP California

California Adds 12.5% LIHTC Increase to 2nd Round, Opens Comment for Income Averaging

California responds to the recent omnibus legislation regarding the LIHTC.

QAP California

California Launches Joint TCAC-CDLAC Application for 4%/Bond Projects

The joint application allows a single application to be submitted to both CDLAC and TCAC simultaneously through CDLAC’s online application webpage.


Omnibus Has Potential to Reach Floor Thursday, Cantwell-Hatch Hangs in the Balance

Congressional leadership is anticipating a release of the omnibus language later today with potential for a House vote on Thursday.

QAP Ohio

Ohio Revises Restrictive Covenant Modifications and Qualified Contract Requests

Both policy revisions became effective on March 5. Read on for a summary of changes, which include no longer accepting requests for multifamily covenant releases.


IRS Reduces Small State Minimums for LIHTCs and PABs

The adjustment leaves per-capita amounts unchanged for LIHTCs and PABs. However, the LIHTC small state minimum was reduced by $5,000 while the small state minimum for PABs was reduced by $665,000.

QAP California

California Releases 4% Applications and Attachments

The TCAC 2018 applications and attachments for 4% non-competitive projects are available on the TCAC website: The treatment of purchase price in excess of appraised value as presented in the application is expected to be revised.  Applicants for the March Committee meeting may use the current 2018 application.  TCAC will send a subsequent notice if […]


NCSHA Publishes Final Recommended Best Practices in Housing Credit Administration

The report is significant in that states will generally respond to the best practices through policy changes in their QAPs.


Senator Orrin Hatch, LIHTC Champion, Announces Retirement

Not only did Hatch play a large role in the recent tax reform legislation, but he is also a great ally for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit – serving as the Republican co-sponsor on legislation to expand and improve the credit.

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