NCSHA Releases Anticipated Research on Development Costs

On September 7, the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) has released a much anticipated the report by Abt Associates entitled “Variation in Development Costs for LIHTC Projects.”

QAP Massachusetts

Massachusetts Proposes Income Averaging Policy

The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development has issued the proposed guidance on the new income averaging election for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program.  The Department will hold several information sessions on income averaging over the next month. Given the many uncertainties associated with IA, at this time DHCD will only contemplate […]

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Posts 2019 Multifamily Q&As

KHC has posted Questions and Answers (Q&A) relative to the upcoming 2019 Housing Credit competitive funding round. The Q&A is available on KHC’s website under Development; Multifamily; Applications, Guidelines and Scoring; within the Applications and Scoring dropdown. Applicants are encouraged to check back often for updates as new questions are received. If you have any […]

QAP Kentucky

Kentucky Updates 2019 Multifamily Underwriting Models for Income Averaging

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) has revised its 2019 multifamily underwriting models to include more information for Housing Credit applicants selecting the income averaging option. The affected models include the model for the 9 percent Housing Credit competitive application, as well as the model for Tax-Exempt Bond applications (both open window submissions and responses to the […]

QAP Florida

Florida Updates Housing Credit Geographic Request for Applications (RFAs)

Florida Housing Finance Corporation has released an updated set of Housing Credit Geographic Request for Applications: RFA 2018-110 Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Medium Counties can be found here: RFA 2018-111 Housing Credit Financing for Affordable Housing Developments Located in Miami-Dade County can be found here: RFA 2018-112 Housing […]

NH&RA News

CBPP Report Finds Few LIHTC Units in Low Poverty Neighborhoods

On August 28 the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities released a new report entitled, “Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Could Do More to Expand Opportunity for Poor Families.”  The report finds that,  “despite some recent improvements, LIHTC falls short of meeting its potential to help poor families move to low-poverty neighborhoods with strong schools and low […]

QAP Wisconsin

Wisconsin Schedules Tax Credit Compliance Workshop on October 18

WHEDA’s next Tax Credit Compliance Workshop will be held on October 18th, and online registration is now open! It will be held at The Ingleside Hotel in Waukesha/Pewaukee. Click here to get registered. The registration fee is $125/person. This course is intended as an overview of the program, compliance requirements, and WHEDA’s monitoring procedures. It […]

QAP Texas

Texas Schedules Housing Credit Compliance Training for September 12 in Austin

In coordination with the Texas Apartment Association (“TAA”), the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs(“TDHCA”) will present Housing Tax Credit (“HTC”) Compliance Training in Austin on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Austin local time, at Norris Conference Center, 2525 W. Anderson Lane, Austin, TX 78757. This training will be […]


Sen. Wyden Introduces Middle Income Housing Tax Credit

On August 22, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced legislation to create a middle-income housing tax credit (MIHTC) aimed at sparking the development of rental homes affordable to Americans with moderate incomes.

QAP Massachusetts

Massachusetts Schedules Sept. 13 Information Session on Supportive Housing Competition

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC) will host an information session on the newly-announced supportive housing competition on Thursday, September 13.  The session will be held in DHCD’s Boston offices at 100 Cambridge Street, 2nd floor conference room C, and will begin at 11am.  If […]

QAP North Carolina

North Carolina to Host 2019 QAP Hearing on Sept. 18 Postponed

Due to Hurricane Florence and its expected effect on our state, the public hearing scheduled for Tuesday Sept. 18 has been postponed.  NCHFA expects to announce the new public hearing shortly.  

QAP Connecticut

Connecticut Schedules QAP Discussion Session on Sept. 12

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority will host a public discussion of its 2018 Qualified Allocation Plan, the LIHTC application process and new Guidelines on Wednesday, September 12, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am at The Lyceum, 227 Lawrence Street, in Hartford.  To register for the event, email Please RSVP no later than Friday, August 31.

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