
Senate Stimulus Compromise Includes LIHTC, NMTC, CEFAH and Other Housing Provisions; Passes Key Procedural Vote

Over the weekend Senate Democrats and several moderate Republicans negotiated a compromise version of HR1: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that appears to be poised to pass the United States Senate on Tuesday. A key procedural vote to end debate on the measure passed the Senate on a 61-36 vote Monday evening (February 9).


AHTCC Announces 15th Annual Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Awards Program

The Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition (AHTCC) is accepting entries for the 15th Annual Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Awards competition.

NH&RA News

Global Green USA Releases Analysis of 2008 QAPs for Green Building Criteria

Global Green USA has completed its 4th annual analysis and ranking this year after looking at the 2008 Qualified Allocation Plans (QAPs) for all 50 states.


California Publishes 2009 Threshold Basis Limits

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee has issued a notice that defines 2009 threshold basis limits for 9% and 4% tax credit applications.


Senate Passes Gap Financing Amendment; Several Amendments Still Pending

The U.S. Senate voted to adopt on SA 161 on February 4. Offered by Senator Kit Bond (R-MO) this amendment to the HR1: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 would provide $2,000,000,000 in gap funding for LIHTC projects to be available through September 30, 2011. There are several amendments still waiting to be considered that could impact the LIHTC Program.


Wisconsin Issues Clarification LIHTC Memo

The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority has issued a memo to provide clarification regarding the policies and requirements it will employ in its 2009 competitive low-income housing tax credit funding rounds. These clarifications address what WHEDA will do with applications that meet or fail to meet the threshold criteria, what it will do with applications that meet the threshold criteria but don’t receive an allocation, which unsuccessful applicants can re-apply in the future, and other areas.


Senate Finance Committee Passes Amended Stimulus Bill; LIHTC Floor Amendment Under Discussion

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee on January 27 by 14-9 approved the tax component of the economic stimulus bill, after adopting a number of amendments to the original “Chairman’s mark.” The approved package proposes approximately $522 billion in tax cuts and tax incentives including many intended to save or create jobs and bolster the national economy.


Numerous Groups Request LIHTC Amendments in Stimulus Bill

The National Housing & Rehabilitation Association along with more than 30 other organizations have signed and sent to Congress a letter outlining four specific proposed changes to the low-income housing tax credit program and asking that they be included in the final economic stimulus bill that lawmakers are now crafting.


Texas Announces Hearings on LIHTC Applications

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs has announced a series of six public hearings to be held around the state during April 6-13 to solicit comments on applications received by the agency in its 2009 competitive funding round for low-income housing tax credits.


Michigan Issues Draft 2009 QAP

The Michigan State Housing Development Authority has published its draft 2009 qualified allocation plan for its low-income housing tax credit program.


Arizona Schedules LIHTC Compliance Training

The Arizona Department of Housing has scheduled low-income housing tax credit compliance training for April 14, 15, and 16 in Phoenix.


Alabama Credit Application Package Now Available

The Alabama Housing Finance Authority has announced the availability on its Web site of the 2009 application package, including instructions and supporting attachments, for the authority’s new funding round for low-income housing tax credits and federal HOME funds.

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