
California Schedules Hearing for LIHTC and ARRA

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee will hold a public hearing on September 17 in Sacramento.


California Issues Additional Guidance On TCAP Environmental Requirements

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee has issued a notice entitled, “Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) Environmental Requirements & Guidance.”

South Carolina

South Carolina Schedules Tax Credit Developer Roundtable Meeting

South Carolina State Housing Finance & Development Authority will hold its 2009 Tax Credit Developer Roundtable Meeting on September 23, 2009 in Columbia.

NH&RA News

Michigan Schedules ARRA Webinar/Conference Call

Michigan State Housing Development Authority staff and Michigan Housing Council representatives will hold a webinar style conference call September 10th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Callers will be able to listen to a live discussion around several aspects of the Authority’s implementation of the various Recovery Act funded programs.

NH&RA News

IRS Announces Housing Credit Allocations from 2009 National Pool

The IRS has issued Revenue Procedure 2009-40, which specifies the amount of additional low-income housing tax credits allocated to qualifying states from the 2009 National Pool. These are prior-year housing credits that went unused by other states, and boost the 2009 housing credit ceiling of recipient states. The states allocated additional credits and the amount received by each are:


HUD Again Delays Effective Date of Final Rule

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has delayed once more, until September 30, 2009, the effective date of a final rule entitled, Refinement of Income and Rent Determination Requirements in Public and Assisted Housing Programs.

NH&RA News

U.S. Treasury Modifies Credit Exchange Program Deadline

In a key development, the U.S. Treasury Department has modifies original deadline for disbursement of low-income housing tax credit exchange program (Section 1602) funds by state housing credit agencies to assisted projects. The law requires that state agencies return to Treasury any funds they receive that are not used to make subawards before January 1, 2011.

South Carolina

South Carolina Updates TCAP Implementation Plan

The South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority recently amended its Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) Implementation Plan in order to help move awardees and applicants toward construction.


Connecticut Releases Draft 2010 QAP for Public Comment

The Connecticut Housing Finance Agency (CHFA) has released its draft 2010 qualified allocation plan (QAP) and is accepting comments from the public by September 21.


IRS Solicits Comments on Form 8586, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released a notice inviting public comments on Form 8586, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit.


Kentucky Schedules Public Hearing on Draft 2010 Qualified Allocation Plan

The Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) will hold a public hearing on its low-income housing tax credit qualified allocation plan (QAP) for calendar 2010 on August 25 at KHC’s headquarters in Louisville.

North Carolina

North Carolina Releases Changes for Draft 2010 QAP

North Carolina Housing Finance Agency has released draft 2010 Qualified Allocation Plan, Appendix B (design), and changes memo.

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