The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee recently announced that it will hold two loan workshops for recipients of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds.
The New York State Senate is considering legislation related to conveyances involving real property financed with federal low-income housing tax credits.
The Washington State Housing Finance Commission recently issued a memorandum summarizing proposed revisions to its low-income housing tax credit program policies for 2010.
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development recently announced that it will postpone its scheduled October 2009 competitive funding round until early 2010, with applications due in February ““ an exact due date will be determined at a later date.
If you missed the 2009 Summer Institute in Woodstock, VT you can still purchase conference materials and video and/or audio recordings of select sessions.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee has issued a notice entitled, “Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) Environmental Requirements & Guidance.”
The Tennessee Housing Development Agency has made available various environmental review forms for qualified applicants seeking funding under the Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP), provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
The New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority has released a draft of its 2010 qualified allocation plan for the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program and will accept comments regarding the draft QAP until September 28.
The New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority recently released its draft 2010 qualified allocation plan (QAP) for administering the federal low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program.
NH&RA pleased to announce we will be returning to the Taj Hotel (formerly the Ritz-Carlton) for our Annual Boston Fall Developers Forum November 2-3, 2009. This is a can’t miss event for developers and affordable housing professionals looking to get the latest updates on state-of-the-art transactions and breaking news from the Congress, HUD and HFAs.
Online registration is now open and the hotel is taking reservations at our group rate. Click here to register online.
The Law Firm Nixon Peabody LLP recently issued an Affordable Housing Alert on a recent HUD Mortgagee Letter. The letter implements changes to facilitate using Low-Income Housing Tax Credits with FHA loans.
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee will hold a public hearing on September 17 in Sacramento.