The Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) opened its Universal Funding Application on May 14 with applications due by August 19.
On tab four, New Supply, of the Kentucky Housing Corporation’s (KHC) scoring workbook for the 2022 competitive LIHTC, scoring item number two states that projects located within 0.5 miles for urban projects and three miles for rural projects of a KHC tax credit project that A) has been approved in the previous two years and is not yet placed in service (8609 has not been issued) as of the date shown on the list of projects and B) targets the same tenants as the applicant’s project will have five points deducted from their score.
As of April14, the Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) received more pre-application requests than its anticipated available private activity bond (PAB) cap.
The Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) opened applications for 2021 Tax-Exempt Bonds (TEB) and four percent LIHTC projects on March 16. Due to limitations on the available private activity bond cap, KHC has revised the process to apply for and be allocated TEB cap. These changes are an effort to better align the reservation of TEB cap with the timing of bond issuances.
The Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) Board of Directors named Winston Miller as its new executive director, effective November 16. Miller will replace Lisa Beran, KHC’s former general counsel, who served as interim director for more than a year.
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) opened applications in its Universal Funding Application (UFA) for three project types:
1. Multifamily Non-Credit Rental Development (HOME, AHTF, and SMAL),
2. Single-Family Homebuyer Development (HOME and AHTF), and
3. AHTF Home Repair (AHTF Only).
All three applications are due by noon ET on Friday, January 15, 2021.
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear (D) signed Executive Order 2020-700, dedicating $15 million in federal Coronavirus Relief Funds for a Healthy at Home Eviction Relief Fund. The fund is a statewide effort to prevent Kentuckians from facing eviction and to allow landlords to realize substantial payments for back rent.
The Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) closed the Universal Funding Application (UFA) for multifamily developments utilizing Tax-Exempt Bonds (TEB) and the Federal four percent LIHTC due to limitations on available private activity bond cap.
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) released a funding application for modest operating grants, open to nonprofit partners across the Commonwealth. The UFA for this NOFA will open August 24, 2020, and applications are due September 24, 2020. Awards will be announced in late October/early November 2020.
Holly Wiedemann, founder and president of AU Associates and NH&RA Board Chair, Mayor Linda Gorton and Council member Josh McCurn held a ribbon cutting ceremony on August 10 to officially open Lexington’s newest affordable housing development for seniors, Meadowthorpe Landing.
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) opened the Universal Funding Application (UFA) for multifamily developments utilizing Tax-Exempt Bonds (TEB) and four percent LIHTCs (no KHC gap funds) on August 3, 2020. This is an open window application with no specific submission deadline.
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) posted Questions and Answers (Q&A) regarding the upcoming 2021 Housing Credit competitive funding round. Applicants are encouraged to check back often for updates as new questions are received. If you have any questions, please email