The training targets property management companies that are responsible for maintaining compliance with the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program. The cost of the training is $10 for OCCH partners or $100 for non-partners.
KHC is making available a combined total of $19.2 million of KHC’s Equity Bridge Loan, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF), and Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) monies through a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
This year’s conference will be Tuesday and Wednesday, October 18-19, 2016, at the Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport Expo Center.
Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing (OCCH) Training Academy will be providing a one-day Basic LIHTC Compliance training on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, at Liberty Green, 500 E Jefferson Street, Louisville, Kentucky, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ET.
The public hearing will be held in conjunction with the public hearing for the amendment to KHC’s 2016 Consolidated Action Plan to incorporate the new National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) allocation from HUD.
Kentucky Housing Corporation is currently drafting amendments to its 2016 Consolidated Action Plan and 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan to incorporate the National Housing Trust Fund. A public hearing will be held to solicit public input.
Multifamily HOME funded projects still in their affordability period are required to submit an Annual Rent Approval Form by July 8, 2016.
Kentucky released the draft Qualified Allocation Plan for fiscal years 2017-2018. To solicit feedback, KHC invites partners to register for an upcoming forum.
The 2016 Competitive Application Guidelines for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Application Score Sheet are now available.
Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) is now accepting applications for multifamily projects utilizing Tax-Exempt Bonds. Applications will be accepted on an open window basis through Thursday, December 29, 2016. All applications must be submitted through the Universal Funding Application System.
The Kentucky state legislature is considering a bill that would create a new section of KRS Chapter 198A to establish the Kentucky affordable housing credit.
Kentucky Housing Corporation is gathering input from developers, syndicators, lenders, and management companies on the 2017 QAP through an online survey and in-person roundtable discussions.